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secretdae007 05-18-2008 12:36 AM

Home for the Thread Killers of Menewsha
Ever been the last person to post on a page with no response? Feel like you killed the thread? We welcome you here then!

Where is here, you ask? It's the official Home for the Thread Killers of Menewsha!

Here, we can support each other through those hard times during the event when there is no one around to post in other threads.

Edit: now there is an official PERMANENT Home for the Thread Killers of Menewsha for when the event is over <3 It's currently under construction but feel free to post now or after the event ^^

Of course, I could be killing this thread by starting it -shrugs-
Points if you notice this ^^
P.S. Points are not meant to be eaten! D= They are toxic! No eating them!

a_shy_girl_1999 05-18-2008 01:18 AM

I think this is going to die because thread killers kill threads ... XD ... I have been one at times ... Yes ...

secretdae007 05-18-2008 01:22 AM

I know, but it was worth a try ^^;

Angel XIII 05-18-2008 01:50 AM



secretdae007 05-18-2008 01:57 AM

Points for ANGEL!! =D xD

Angel XIII 05-18-2008 01:59 AM

Yay, I feel special!
-eats the points-

Angel shall try to keep this thread alive with you, but since she kills threads, she'll probably faaaaail. ;~;

Okiama 05-18-2008 02:20 AM

Lol, I always kill threads. Maybe I just go to them when everyone else doesn't want to.

Popcorn Gun 05-18-2008 02:46 AM

-knocks on the door-

The first post said this was the place for me....
x' D

So how is everyone?

Edit ::

Damn, I did it again!

Cursed hands!

-shakes hands and falls to the ground sobbing uncontrollably-

secretdae007 05-18-2008 02:59 AM

Oh wow, people actually posted -feels special and such-

Angel: ... I wouldn't recommend eating anymore points... -tries to find point supplier of non-toxic points- :ninja:

Okiama: Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm generally in the threads when most people aren't (in the wee hours of the morning for me)

Popcorn Gun: Good and you?

Popcorn Gun 05-18-2008 03:20 AM

Well you should already know we'd show!
Hmm... Not sure how healthy/safe your thread'll be now, lol.

I'm alright, I missed a lot of the event today, and yesterday, this weekend has been eventful.

I had a volleyball reunion/get together cook out, yesterday, dance practice this morning and a trip to the mall to help my cousin pick out her graduation dress right after.

I hope I don't fall too far behind.

x' 3

How's the event treating you? Finding lots of flowers and buds?

Edit ::
Points for me!
I just saw your white text.

Niamh 05-18-2008 04:20 AM

Oh, dear, this seems doomed.

Nevertheless, excellent idea! It's like a support group!

Possibly they make self-help books for this sort of thing?

We should come up with back-up topics of discussion, just in case everything goes horribly, horribly awry. :P

I'm quite enjoying the Jubilee, actually, and am not suffering for lack of orchids and buds. I don't think I'll ever actually get enough buds to purchase the more expensive items in the shop, but, overall, I cannot complain. Initially, though, there was a bit of issue with getting at the "exchange orchids" option for clue #1. I managed, eventually. :)

patchy 05-18-2008 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 3161908)
Well you should already know we'd show!
Hmm... Not sure how healthy/safe your thread'll be now, lol.

I'm alright, I missed a lot of the event today, and yesterday, this weekend has been eventful.

I had a volleyball reunion/get together cook out, yesterday, dance practice this morning and a trip to the mall to help my cousin pick out her graduation dress right after.

I hope I don't fall too far behind.

x' 3

How's the event treating you? Finding lots of flowers and buds?

Edit ::
Points for me!
I just saw your white text.

I was doing the same thing actually, picking out my graduation and prom dress ^^;; I missed the whole first day cause I had gone on a picnic with my class early in the day and then that night tromping around the mall and I was just dead by 9PM XD

but yez, I kill threads. Point of fact, I've probably just killed this one 8D

I make people's heads explode with my amazing comments that they just never have any thing to add after me o3o

Apocrypha 05-18-2008 04:36 AM

I kill thread sometimes. XDD usually on the GD. XDD

June Rose 05-18-2008 04:59 AM

At last, a thread that fits me to a T! ;.;

Nesseh 05-18-2008 05:00 AM

Dae!!! 8D

I kill threads all the time. I killed like 4 today. :|

June Rose 05-18-2008 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nesseh (Post 3163626)
Dae!!! 8D

I kill threads all the time. I killed like 4 today. :|

O.o! I am in the midst of a pro. *bow* xD

Ling 05-18-2008 07:19 AM

Heh. Killing threads is fun, shame I tend to not do it often.

IRK3N 05-18-2008 07:31 AM

Haha, I seem to kill threads quite well.

I also can't seem to maintain any like, thread buddies because I disappear from the site a lot. >_< I've been trying to be more active. xD

Ling 05-18-2008 07:34 AM

I don't have any thread buddies either if its any consolation.

Intoxicating Envy 05-18-2008 07:38 AM

Oh yes, I have, but I wonder if this is smart to have a
thread for thread killers. xDD

IRK3N 05-18-2008 07:41 AM

@ Ling - lets be buddies then, kay? LOL.

Wow. I haven't been here in awhile. I like the new layout though.

Intoxicating Envy 05-18-2008 08:02 AM

Lol. I just have to say...It is kind of on the slow side?

Ling 05-18-2008 11:06 AM

Yeh it is.

secretdae007 05-18-2008 12:25 PM

Popcorn Gun: Sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend ^^
The event has been nice. I like the flowers and buds idea ^^ Very cute xD Of course, I haven't had a lot of time to put into collecting though. Work work work Dx

Niamh: Yes, many of my plans seem self-dooming sometimes...
Haha, if there is a problem in the world, there is a self-help book to accompany it xD
Good idea... but I'm too lazy right now to come up with topics O.o; -is bum-

Patchy: -head explodes- xD If you kill this thread for a little while, that's ok because I will always come back at some point or another and ... unkill/revive it

Apocrypha: I'm sure lots of people have killed threads there. It really is easy over there ^^:

Faulty Roses...: Hurray!... or is that a bad thing? o.o;

Nesseh! It's ok because you are here now (well, maybe not now because I haven't set up the time stamp on my account yet)!

Ling: Really depends on where you are posting and when with thread killing. Like now, I probably won't get responses to this post for a little while because I'm posting it in the morning (my time) and not a lot of people are on then.

IRK3N: I know what you mean. I have a few thread buddies I guess... But it's hard to maintain them because sometimes I can only get on Mene at odd times (such as right now)

Intoxicating Envy: I never said this was a smart idea xD
And it's slow because I'm not really offering a super cool things or anything D= -is fairly poor on Mene-

Youn 05-18-2008 12:29 PM

I love the thread title. :XD
As an European user on mostly American forums I kill threads on a daily basis. <.<

I think it's hillarious how every user who enteres here seem to be the one who'll finally kill the thread. Will it be me? Will it be you? We'll just have to wait and see! ♥

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