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Cain 07-01-2008 02:13 AM

July 2008 Contribution Items
Since I'm the resident 'authority' on magic, I was asked to present the Contribution Items for July to everyone... Somehow, this reminds me of when I attended lectures at school. *adjusts his scarf before he begins*

The Dove and the Raven are symbols of the School of Duality - that is to say, the philosophical school that eventually split into the schools of Order and Chaos. Birds have often been thought of as 'messengers'... So perhaps it's not too surprising that when artists illustrating the concepts of the schools depict agents of change or stability, they show people with winged feet.

Here's your chance of becoming a Messenger of Order or Agent of Chaos by equipping the Dove Anklewings or Raven Anklewings.

These items are available from July 1st - July 31st by visiting the Contribute tab and purchasing them. If you cannot purchase them online, then visit this thread for details on how to order by mail.

This month's Contribution Items were pixeled by Paxjah and the artwork was created by Omi.

wish 07-01-2008 05:00 AM

i want i want. @____@ omg sexy!!

Nesseh 07-01-2008 05:01 AM

Yay they are finally here! 8D
They look lovely! <3

Foxxi 07-01-2008 05:01 AM

Oooh I want them!Gimmeh!xD

`L 07-01-2008 05:01 AM


Peanut 07-01-2008 05:02 AM

Oh wow.. so cool! <33

Amurita 07-01-2008 05:03 AM

More great work from Paxjah and Omi!

Very nice, and with Abel as messenger it's even better <33

sad_girlformat 07-01-2008 05:04 AM


I want them!!

Rainy 07-01-2008 05:04 AM

Yes!! :heart:
Thanks a lot <33

Wendy Darling 07-01-2008 05:04 AM

Fantastic work. What awesome items. . . They'll go well with my headwings. :D

Dystopia 07-01-2008 05:05 AM

Dude, can you say BITCHIN'?

... Oh, and Abel? 8D Its awesome seeing you again. <3YEWMOARTHANBITCHIN'WINGS

M i n u x e 07-01-2008 05:05 AM

Wow they would look great with any outfit then! I can see how they will be extra popular now *-*
I am so glad I reserved a set <333333

Ferra 07-01-2008 05:10 AM

I WANT! :D <3 I'll definitely have to get an extra pair or two this month.

I'm glad Abel came out of the woodwork to deliver the message too. ^^

Sanctuary 07-01-2008 05:10 AM

Really neat items @.@

I wasn't expecting to see them till tommorow because of my timezone.

Dystopia 07-01-2008 05:12 AM

@ Ferra - D8 Anything looks better if its him advertising them.

Which also leads me to say: OMI LOVE TOO.

x-AutumnMilrose-x 07-01-2008 05:14 AM

Bah, @__@ I wants.

Dystopia 07-01-2008 05:15 AM

D8 Lol, come online, CI supplier!

Wordstreamer 07-01-2008 05:20 AM

So pretty!

Magical items indeed; I was right! *squees*

Edit: Anna, Anna, hold on for either eight hours or a minute or two. D:

Dystopia 07-01-2008 05:22 AM

... XD Please let ti be two minutes.

Hazuki 07-01-2008 05:26 AM

I think they are lovely. Good thing though I got the hats when I did, I'd be sad if I didn't have them. Now I do. I'll most likely get these two last minute as well. (I'm lazy like that) lol

ToriKat 07-01-2008 05:27 AM

*drools all over Pax and Omi* <3

L o g a n 07-01-2008 05:27 AM

hmm. sexi.

Wordstreamer 07-01-2008 05:27 AM

XD Yarr; NiBu said I could use his bank account and I gave him monies. (Stupid debit card. :headdesk: )

Dystopia 07-01-2008 05:28 AM

@ Word - XD Does that mean two minutes or eight hours?
D8 And I'll be coming back for more soon. Is that okay?

fl3ur de lis 07-01-2008 05:29 AM

I love them!

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