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I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-07-2012, 05:06 PM

((Thank you Es!! *Hugs* Now I just have to force my way into this role play^^ I hope no ones minds my vision of the earth tribe, or anything else mentioned in this post xD I am so excited to play all my characters ^_^))

Leonardo was laying on his back inside of the cave. He was worn out fro the move, as well as the battle that had just taken place outside. His legs were twitching slightly from their use, and forced him out of sleep a few times already. His body was scratched lightly from the battle. So unlike some from his tribe, he was fairly fine. Which came as a relief for his tribe. His uhhh... talents, though very useful could turn bad for everything in the area depending on how in control the insane male was. Like fire, Leonardo was very unpredictable and could easily rage. But growing up as a scrapper, one was lead to believe there was in fact something wrong with the male. There was certainly. He had waked his head many times as a youngster. Plus blowing up could not be good for him...

Leonardo rose up after a few more moments of tossing and turning. Slipping his black jacket on over his shoulders. It was freezing by the sea. He started to head out of the save, but on his way overheard his Alpha speaking to Cheza... It had gotten around fairly quick Cheza was the new undertaker for the Alpha. It was rather amazing. To be picked for such a task.

Leonardo listened like he should not have. Once the Alpha had wondered away, Leonardo made himself known. Clapping he started to hop a bit. "Cheza is our Alpha now! Leonardo is glad!" He said happily. Bouncing from one leg to the other.


Oberon was wounded. All of the battles he fought in.. and in each one suffered a new wound. but still it would not be enough to stop the warrior from helping his tribe. He had heard their Alpha was wounded, but also heard he was with the earth tribes alpha. Something he did not like the sound of. Mainly because Coventina had not been scene for most of the day. There were wounded, the healers were at their max. And it was expected at this point that if you could stand, you should be helping. Oberon had sustained major wounds to his arms. Both of them in fact. It hurt to move them at all. Not to mention his legs were burning... But there was work to be done. He was the controller of their weather after all. And the clouds really wanted rain. He stepped to the middle of the beach, pulling his sleeves down over the bandages that covered his arms.

Oberon's eyes shone complete white as the clouds moved and rain started to pour down. The water clan would welcome the rain. Most of them enjoyed being surrounded by the falling water. The other tribes in the area though, probably not so much. But it was something that needed to be done. Clouds could not hold water for too long. Plus a rainbow wound follow as soon as the rains were finished. He drew in a sigh. Keeping calm as he looked over the beach.


The move had been sudden, and rather quick. The Alpha suddenly appeared and forced them all to move. After being away for most of the day. Luckily the tribe did not need a baby sitter at all times, but having him missing now after a move was rather annoying.. The earth camp was more of a tiny village after a day. Most families would set up earth homes. Moving the rock and dirt to create homes without much hassle. It was rather impressive. For now, Savannah was working on a side project. A bath house. Normally being so high in the mountains, it was rare for the earth tribe to have fresh water, let alone be near a fresh stream. Savannah after much work figured out a way to move the water to these houses, and flush it out. Ground water was used in fact. And simply was brought up from underground. Fresh fires under the house would keep it steamy inside. And a well was nearby the house for fresh water use.

Savannah had set these up so many times already, it became second nature. A golem was in the background from her, moving wood and coal under the house. Coal was also a marvel the earth tribe had. Easy to make when one had Golem's under her control. Although that took far longer to find, and was tricky to produce. To took long hours of squeezing plants into peat then into coal. But with the Golems, the time was cut in half.

Savannah took a step back and looked at the bath house. It was finished. For now it would be a male and female bath house. Since the town only had one for the time being. The rock Golem under her control disappeared into the ground. Savannah took a deep breath. Alpha Noctis was gone for the day... again. She started to step towards the front of the village.

"Let's finish his home up before he returns." Savannah told another warrior she had been working with for the day. The younger male nodded, taking a stance to help her lift the earth into place. Working together the two earth warriors formed the rock into a two story home. Other warriors, at least the one who could move rock were building a stone wall for protection around the new town. A few more wells, along with other smaller projects and the town would be complete. The best part about these earth towns, when they went to move on, the town could be put back into the earth without leaving a trace.

Savannah took a step back to admire the house. It was midday now, even a bit later to be honest. There were still torches to be made, and food to be caught. But other warriors were working towards it. As well as the commoners. Pups though played in the distance. Under the watchful eyes of their elders. taking the brief brake, Savannah took out the necklace that hung around her neck. Her sister wore an identical one, but crafted in white gold. While Savannah's was more gold. The two had been identical twins, in all matters except hair. Tayla had the rarer white blond, while Savannah was more golden. And that was how the two different. Personality wise they were identical. Except Tayla was... nicer to people.

Last edited by Triquetra; 06-07-2012 at 05:11 PM..

is currently looking for a good ...
VIEW FROM ABOVE is offline
Old 06-07-2012, 08:20 PM

Oh? Her head raised and she saw one of the warriors, "exploding" Leonardo, hopping up and down happily. Cheza felt a smile mechanically spread across her face. She was glad to see him relatively unhurt. That and becoming the alpha's understudy was indeed hard work, just as Jazereth had promised. Ever since she had accepted the new title, she had spent her time working and studying what the fire alpha did. She hadn't had as much time to train or spend time with the other warriors, as much as she loved to. Such was life though. If you wanted something, you had to work your tail off to get it.

"Not the alpha, Leo", Cheza corrected, with a broad smile. She walked over to meet him there. "Just her temporary fill-in. How did the battle go for you?"

Last edited by VIEW FROM ABOVE; 06-08-2012 at 01:46 PM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-07-2012, 08:46 PM

Syndarion approached the beach. He then saw the Erretic wolf talking a Fierce looking Warrior, which he Assumed was the Alpha. Syndarion approached, and bowed his head. "Excuse me, but are you the alpha of the Fire-clan?" he asked.

Gemini is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 04:28 AM

Gemini held her head up high."I am as strong as ever, fact, I have never felt better." She said.and she looked stronger, too.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 04:51 AM

"Definitely more than you should," Noctis murmured, the corners of his lips slowly tugging into a smile. Coventina's question made him fall silent immediately. The male's arms dropped from around the Water alpha as she turned to face him. Noctis' pale features showed no emotion as he met her gaze steadily.

"The risk is something I'm familiar with." He had carefully distanced himself from Coventina, ignoring the way his thoughts lingered on how cool she was when in contact with him. "The Water tribe has seen too much of it lately." Something in the Earth alpha's gaze spoke of his fondness toward the woman, but his features kept his emotions silent. "The Earth clan is always nearby. I will . . . visit your pack more often."

Then, slowly, he reached up and caught Coventina's cheek. Gently pulling her to him, he kissed the smooth skin. "Sky is going to initiate a fight for dominance." It was a blunt statement, but it was true. Sky loved Coventina - that was obvious. Noctis, though he hadn't stated it, was obviously willing to pursue Coventina as well.

When he finally released her, Noctis was walking away. He surely had a way with social settings. . . .

((:D Tri! Great background for the Earth clan! Es loves it. :ninja: And it was smart: the homes are made up of soil and plants to keep things easy when they move on!))

is currently looking for a good ...
VIEW FROM ABOVE is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 02:14 PM

Then Cheza turned as the soft shuffling of footsteps on sand caught her attention. A look of surprise, and a bit of something else that was indistinguishable crossed her face as the newcomer bowed his head to her. "No, you just missed her", she said, looking in the direction Jazereth had gone. "Last I saw, she went that way somewhere."

She immediately recognized the man from the battle earlier. This was Syndarion, "the leader of the dark brotherhood", as he had named himself. She'd never heard of him or his pack until recently. Cheza studied him carefully. "Why do you want to know..sir?" He was still an alpha. It was best to use formalities.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 02:44 PM

"I was Sent, by Lady Navi of the Wind tribe, who's kind enough to be our host. "he said, Politly. "Excuse me for the Mistake. I will go look for her or him. "He said, then started to walk off.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 03:00 PM

Feeling Noctis pull away his arms from her, Coventina's smile grew smaller, though she did her best to keep smiling. She missed the amazing warmth that came from the Earth Alpha's body. The feeling of him distencing himself from her made her chest squeeze and her want to go towards him ache in her muscles. She didn't understand what he did to her, but she knew that she liked it. Hearing his words about her pack being conflicted and having trials lately made her gut twist. He was right, was she willing to be selfish to chase her love during this trial of war? He was pulling at her heart strings hearing that he would be near by, which was something that made her feel a little stonger. Though when she felt her bow her head, his hand caught her cheek and lifted her pale head up. Her hair fell away from her features and her eyes widened as he kissed her right on the edge of her lips. Coventina wanted to reach out and cling to NOctis, but like smoke he slipped through her fingers. Watching him walk towards the entrance of the cave, she tried staying put, but she couldn't. Hurrying after him she ran out into the cooling rain, a smile growing on her face as she looked over at Oberon, even being hurt, he was still here to help. Though she then looked back to Noctis and her eyes widened seeing Sky coming full force towards the alpha. Moving swiftly, she intercepted him and wrapped her arms around him tightly, a few tears falling down her cheeks, though they were hidden by the rain. His words had hurt her as he whispered in her ear, and she nodded, choking back her sob. She couldn't touch Noctis again, even when her whole being longed to be in his warm arms. Seeing the children of her clan squealing nad playing in the rain from Oberon, she smiled sadly.

Sky had seen Jazereth by the orchard cave entrance, and had headed over there. He moved over to the alpha's area, and bristled seeing Noctis leaving the cave, and Coventina following. Hackles raised, he ran towards the Earth alpha snarrling. His green hair a deep green as he was soaked by the rain. Growling and nearly shifting, he suddenly felt the cool skin of Coventina as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Smelling Noctis on her, his eyes grew wide. Such a pure woman was touched by such filth?! "Don't you dare touch her again Noctis!" he snarrled threw the rain, his hands clutching to the water alpha possesively. He then put his face into her dripping hair, and growled possesively. "If he touches you again, I'll kill him."

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 03:06 PM

Leonardo's smile grew more and more as Cheza informed him that no, She was only watching over the tribe for the time being. He clapped his hands some more. Seeing the new comer stroll up to the duo that had been standing there. Leonardo did not say a word until the white haired man began to walk away. "Our Alpha is beautiful! Leonardo knows for he is a man!" He said happily. "There are no ugly girls in our tribe, but our Alpha is always on top." He even did a small cart wheel to show his love for his tribe. Not that it made much sense. Then again, when did Leo make sense at all.

Scrappers most of the time turned out like this in the fire tribe as they grew older. Much fighting for survival, along with constant illness and all around aggression could make anyone go insane. Leonardo then remembered the question Cheza asked eariler. "Leonardo did well. He did not explode. But he did get burned a little. Nothing for the healers to worry about he told them. For the water tribe needs it more!" That was when it started to rain. Leonardo looked around and noticed a brown haired water tribe member with glowing eyes. He must have caused it! "Leonardo is wet and cold!" He complained. "Turn the water off!"

Oberon noticed some crazy man with flaming red hair yelling in his direction. He turned, rolling his eyes towards the male. "The clouds are cleaning the area, and if they aren't emptied now, we will have a thunder storm on our hands." Oberon tried to explain to the lunatic. Limping forwards a bit. He figured this would be a good time to do it too. Most of the tribes were either sleeping or resting. Only a few were out and about.

"Leonardo is cold!!" Leonardo said once more. Going on complaining.

Oberon noticed the confrontation not to far away. The earth Alpha was leaving the orchard cave, with their own alpha in tow. Sky though found out, and was right on Noctis. It surprised everyone how she never chose Sky to be her mate.. but it was even stranger to spend so much time alone with another male... of a different tribe. Oberon knew his Alpha was different.. but how far would she go to break tradition now? Not that her love life was any of his business... But the chance of mixing with the earth clan.. was something Oberon knew for sure he was not interested in... He coughed a bit, looking up into the rain. God did his insides hurt..

((Yeah xD I was reading along and thinking, Tents! not bad ass enough... Plus there are no scrappers. So bam! Leonardo xD I love him. Though I'm trying to keep in serious in an insane way. He may just be too crazy. xD))

Last edited by Triquetra; 06-08-2012 at 03:15 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 04:49 PM

He'd always had trouble turning away from a challenge. When Noctis looked back at Sky, the Earth alpha was trembling. "You'll always be the one to make her unhappy," he called back over the rain, a sneer on his lips. "You have no power over me, youngling." Now his expression was a mixture of anger and amusement. "Your threats mean nothing to me."

Noctis wiped soaking hair from his face, his entire form tense. Instead of pursuing the battle further, though, the Earth alpha exercised his self-control. Believe me when I say it was the hardest battle he'd ever fought. He was shaking with the effort to shift forms and charge at Sky, tearing into him for his insolence. But he wouldn't. Not in front of Coventina.

In the end, something snapped. I see who I wish. Noctis growled, his form suddenly bending and shifting into that of a dark auburn wolf. There was a moment during which it looked as though he was going to charge. Then, with a snapping snarl, he turned and raced off down the beach. The action almost caused him to run into a boy who'd just completed a cartwheel, but Noctis didn't care. The large creature merely charged on.

The Water tribe didn't need more danger or trials. And with Sky there . . . Noctis knew there would be both. I'll tear his throat out if he- He halted his thoughts, shaking his wolfish head to clear it of both water and the dangerous mindset. Coventina cares for him. They are of the same pack.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 05:15 PM

Suddenly it started to rain. Luckily most of the homes were made out of stone. But some of the scrappers made their homes out of mud and plant life. Savannah did not really understand it, but she knew they would need help. They were still part of the clan after all... She ran forth, morphing into her brown wolf form, being able to run faster towards the area the Scrappers were in. Once making it, she stopped. Changing back. She was exhausted already. Moving earth rocks all day long was finally starting to put a strain on most of the warriors. She cursed her Alpha as she began to form a rather large house. It was more of an apartment for many scrapper families at once. They preferred to live like that. Plus, for the time being it was easier to make one large house with a roof than multiple smaller ones.

Her hands fell to her knees as she sucked in breaths of precious oxygen. Savannah would be sleeping good tonight. One of the older scrappers walked up to her. "I'm sorry I can't do much more today. Tomorrow we will create several homes like this for you all." Savannah promised. There was a small smile on her face. A few of the families headed inside and started to create walls so each family could have a bit of privacy.

Savannah turned on her heel. Brushing a bit soaked hair out of her face. She realized her blouse was now see threw from the rain, but everything that needed to be covered was protected by her corset. A few warriors finally finished up the wall to the fortress that was now protecting the earth kingdom. Two large stone doors at the end of town were now guarding the only entrance and exit of the town. Tonight if the rain let up there would be a small party for the town in the center. Celebrating the amount of work they had put in to the new town. Once finished the wall surrounding the town reached about twelve feet, and the main gate even higher.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 06:09 PM

Coventina turned her head to look at Noctis, as he informed Sky that he would eternally make her unhappy, and she hated to admit that truth to herself. Shaking her head as Noctis charged off, she grabbed Sky's hands and forced him to look at her. "Let's get back into the caves. It was nothing. I was trying to forge an allience with the earth clan." she said softly, just above the patter of the rain fall. Sky nearly shifted at the sight of Noctis shifting, had Coventina not been grasping onto him tightly. Finally taring away his gaze from the male as he left, he looked down at the Alpha as she explained that there was nothing he should worry about, but he knew better. That vile man caused poison to spred wherever he went, and whatever he touched. Looking down at those beautiful features so sad tore at the male's heart. "You are Mine! I can make you happy! I can give you the support you need!" he snarrled grasping her head in his hands. "You can't pick him! He's a curse! I can help create the peace you want! Not him!" Sky snarrled and then kissed her fiercely and then bit her neck, trying to make her succumb to him. Seeing her give in, ever for only that day, gave him a spark of hope. He growled softly as he pulled her close and then lifted her into his arms. She had suffered many more wounds, even if she was ignoring them, he knew that she needed rest. But her pride once again stopped him from supporting her.Coventina whimpered as Sky forced himself upon her lips and neck, Digging her nails into his skin. Growling, she then slowly gave in and allowed him to pick her up. But she then got a hold of herself and squirmed out of his arms. She would walk to their caves, and she would do it with the pride of the alpha she truely was. Walking towards Oberon, she smiled and nodded. "I believe the clouds are now fine, thank you Oberon... Please get some sleep, You've earned it." the female said and then headed inside to her tribe, and began organizing and making sure everyone was settled well in their winter homes before she returned to her cavern late at night. Being so bone wiry, the pale woman fell into Sky's arms unwillingly, and was soon cradled against his warm body, and falling asleep.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 06-08-2012, 06:30 PM

Jazereth shook her head. The ordeal at hand was far to complicated then it should be in her mind. 'Coventina should take Noctis as a mate and Sky should get a life. Sky has no chance, but yet he's wasting effort and breath on Coventina. Some people just never learn.',she thought. Getting up, she stretched her limbs. There was no way that any meddling that she could do would deteur Sky from Coventina, it was sad really. Glancing around, she saw the man they called Oberon. Walking over, she said,"You must be conflicted. You want Coventina to be happy, but you'd rather not risk the pack for Noctis's sake. Most of your pack does not favor Noctis either."

"I know.",Ketaro said with a smile. Hugging her, he sighed with relief. No one had died, and he hoped no one would. Letting Gemini go, he stood up and exited Navi's sleeping courters. Breathing in the fresh air, he went to work.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 02:15 AM

Noctis didn't turn back. Not that day. He headed out to the outskirts of Water clan's territory. By the time he returned to his own encampment, many of the temporary structures were in place. The Earth alpha didn't seem to notice much of anything as he trotted into the area.

His maroon eyes were dark with thought as he mentally cursed Sky for his very existence. Leave it up to another male to take what Noctis wanted away from him. The navy-haired male shook his head as he finished shifting forms, muttering under his breath continually.

It wasn't long before his gaze finally took in what had happened. It looked like his warrior-heavy tribe was settling in quite nicely. There, just to the side, was Savannah. The largest building was probably her doing - her Earth control was a good step above some of the scrappers that populated the tribe. That, and she had her golems.

Noctis didn't speak to the others. Instead, he surveyed the structure he would be using with a keen eye. He would get the details fixed when he entered. Not that he was picky - he enjoyed keeping things simple. Bed. Walls. Ceiling. That was really all he required. He stepped toward the formed structure, his own abilities stretching out to widen the door slightly.

((He does a good job of ignoring everyone. :lol:))

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 02:40 AM

((Not for long xD))

She was back to breathing normally after a few gasping breaths. A baker had given her a sweet roll. Which she devoured faster than one could blink. Savannah noticed a change in wind as a familiar scent drifted by her nose. She turned to see Noctis admiring the building she had just made for the scrappers. It was wide, but still his own residence towered over the rest of them. Being two stories after all.

Her eyes suddenly corroded into a glare as she stepped towards the male. Making a move only she was so foolish enough to make. "Where in Ratilin have you been?!" She said to the male. Storming up to him. "You leave your tribe to fend, and.... -why do you smell of another woman!?" Savannah asked the alpha rather bluntly and harshly. Only she though would ever do this. And it became expected of the female. She was a warrior above a woman after all. The rain started to let up just moments later.


Oberon smiled as his alpha walked up to him. Thanking him for his ability and telling him to rest. He would.. once all the work was complete. "Just a bit longer my fair maiden. A couple of the fishermen are down by the water gathering what they can while the fish are at the surface." He said with a smile. Bowing as she made her leave. He cast a glance to sky too, nodding a hello, but other than that no words were said between the males.

Jazereth came up to Oberon after. He had his back turned at this time, and of coarse turned into a bow as she spoke. He paused a second. "Excuse me, I have to sit." Oberon told her, making his way for a log that was not too far away before he would answer. He sighed, "No. I care less for her love life. Sky, Noctis.. a commoner. I care not for who she picks... But now is not time for love. I look around and I see people hurt.. people dead.. Warriors whom still are wounded are still trying their best to work. But she has been gone for the most of two days..." He said rather bluntly. Knowing who he was speaking to. "I apologize Miss Jazereth.. I am Oberon, controller of all weather." His speech was very calm. Even eire in a way.

"I simply mean.. We are at war. This is no time for petty love triangles."

((Oberon is sooo blunt xD))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 02:49 AM

Noctis shook his head in a wolfish manner, spraying Savannah with droplets. "My tribe is smart enough to set up the encampment without their leader." The alpha's distant expression had readily become its usual scowl. "Where I've been is none of your concern, woman."

The Earth male brushed her away, stepping past her and into the dwelling where he would be staying. "I don't have time for your prying, Savannah." He was exhausted. He'd gotten precious little sleep the night before, and now he was ready to collapse. The very mentioning of "another female" made Noctis bristle.

With a growl he shook his head and waved Savannah off again, turning his back to her. "Go find someone else to bother." Somehow, even though Savannah was only a warrior, she was . . . well, more than that. She was Tayla's sister. Tayla, his first mate . . . and this was her sister. For the longest time they'd grown up together, and their bond had grown stronger. Things changed when Noctis fought to become alpha. If weakness was sensed in the alpha, the pack would replace him. So he'd become something stronger than "just Noctis." He'd become the Earth leader.

Every time he saw Savannah, he thought of Tayla. It was difficult. But still. He'd abandoned the others and all of his previous connections when he stepped up to his role a couple years prior. Noctis sent a scowl at the woman as she followed him. "I go where I please. I see who I please. I talk with whomever I please. I. Am. Alpha."

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 03:11 AM

Oh hell no. Savannah would not be side stepped and shoved away. But she also knew she would not challenge his position for Alpha. Noctis she would challenge until the ends of the earth, but in front of his people, she had to appear weaker than he. At least most of the time. Her aggression could be taken as a formal challenge towards Alpha. Which was something Savannah cared nothing for. It was just a title, and rather boring at that. But now, with that new smell... she was furious. Alpha's could mate as many times as they wished threw out their lives... But this was her sister.

"I having been leading your people since dawn to build up our village and protect ourselves. That is a job, you as Alpha should have been here to oversee." Savannah lectured him. She was following him now as he tried to move away. A sly smile shone on her face... "Go find someone else to bother... I wonder who's scent your bathed in.. I wonder if they would mind a visit.. and a bit of prying." Savannah. She was twisting his own words of coarse. But anyone from the earth tribe were exceptional trackers.

He had stopped suddenly, scowling at her. His words hit her like a ton of bricks. "..And I am Savannah. Nice to meet you Alpha. Maybe you would like to meet your clan and spend some time with it?!" She responded suddenly.

Before she would even allow her alpha to get a word in, Savannah continued after a short breath. "The wall is done, your home is done, most of the shops are set up, the bath house is operating, the commoners are preparing for the feast tonight, there was a very successful hunt earlier, and we have a few working wells." She told him, as quickly as her tongue would allow her to carry the words.

"Now, if you excuse me. I have to bother who evers scent is on you." And with that she turned, starting to walk away. Even shifting into her wolf form and running. Allowing her nose to carry the scent.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 03:18 AM

Noctis couldn't get a word in edge-wise. When Savannah left, he snarled at her absence. Fine! Go see Coventina. She was with Sky anyway. The Earth alpha shook the thoughts away, his muttering growing all the louder as he stepped into his own room. The ground he stepped on shifted violently, but returned to its place the moment he sat on the bed.

She was right. He should have been there to oversee the upbringing of the tribe's new campground. As alpha, he should have stayed there and made sure his own pack was in place before leaving to see the Water pack. As much as Noctis hated to admit it, he knew that it was his worry for Coventina that had roused him from bed so early. He'd made sure there was a place for his tribe to camp, and then had left them. Responsible. Very much so.

With a groan, Noctis let his head sink into his hands. Don't slip. This is your pack. Noctis put off sleep a bit longer for the sake of regaining the normality of his position. He left the shelter and headed around the encampment to make sure everyone was doing well enough. His brusque demeanor was known to all, so his brief words startled no one. By the time he returned to his own room, he collapsed onto the bed without enough time to close his eyes.

Bother who you wish, Savannah. Still . . . he wished he could go with her. It was sheer exhaustion that kept him with his tribe. It was straining to stay that made him rise. He'd only been walking around for ten minutes. Surely she hadn't reached the Water clan's territory yet.

A blur of reddish fur charged from the building and after the scent that screamed out Savannah's passing. It was roughly twenty minutes later (he was panting for breath by that time) when the alpha found who he was looking for. Noctis stubbornly increased his speed, ignoring his protesting lungs and legs. Everything was starting to hurt at that point. He was too tired for this.

The large wolf passed Savannah, snapping at her shoulder as he did so. He halted, spinning to face her and cut her off from her destination. "Turn back, Savannah!"

Last edited by Esmme; 06-09-2012 at 03:21 AM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 03:30 AM

She started to run, but as soon as she left past the gate, her run turned more into a stroll. She was taunting the alpha. Playing with his mind. His duties to his tribe was something that needed to be said in public, but personal could be waited until they were alone. Threw the next twenty minutes, instead of heading towards the sea, instead she went into the forest. Staying fairly close to camp. It was a bit of a game. A similar one to pry Noctis away from whatever he was doing when they were children. Her sister was too shy to do it herself. So Savannah would set them both up. Often in fact.

As she caught a whiff of Noctis finally coming after her, she began to run. The alpha though of coarse caught up. She stopped and turned back. "Did you have to snap at me." Savannah complained. Holding her shoulder. Looking it over real quick. "What took you so long?" It was Rhetorical.

A bit of silence passed before Savannah finally asked, "So, is she pretty?" She could see the hard stare that was telling her to turn back, which she did. Walking.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:08 AM

The wolf faded, leaving the human in his place. "She looks like her." Tayla. Who else would he be talking about? Somehow, this little game of "tempt Noctis away from camp" felt different this time. It had been a long while since he'd followed Savannah out and away from duty. Even longer still since they'd done so with Tayla.

Noctis shook the thought away. "She's none of your concern." As he stepped up beside the woman, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. He'd barely broken the skin, but it would still sting. They both knew why he'd done it: frustration. He had little control when it came to keeping his temper in reign, let alone full-throttle rage. He was tired. Her questions bothered him. He'd acted.

"You can't do this. I am not at your beck and call, Savannah." The words lost their fire as his weariness caught up. Breathing steady once more, Noctis let loose a loud sigh.

Gemini is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:09 AM

Gemini turned to her Alpha."Navi-sama, what should I do? Would you have me follow Ketaro-san, or shall I go round up help to build temporary living quarters for any newcomers? Or shall I patrol the borders?" She asked eagerly.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:12 AM

Navi shook herself from her thoughts. "Follow Ketaro, if that's what you want." She gently patted the girl's head. "You deserve to have a moment of freedom. War is upon us. You've earned a few moments of respite." Her white eyes filled with warmth. "When you have nothing left to do, please see to making sure everyone is bedded down for the night. I don't want the cubs wandering off tonight."

The Wind clan had cubs that were known for wandering just outside of camp. They thought it was "thrilling," but at a time like this Navi didn't want her people threatened.

Gemini is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:18 AM

Gemini bowed slightly."thank you, Alpha.I will see to it." She said, then followed Ketaro.
((Gah short post!!))

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:29 AM

not at your beck and call? she quested within her own mind. Then why run to other tribe after hearing of war. Leaving his own vulnerable.. Yes Savannah had led him away now.. but they could still see the high walls of the town. So it was a short walk in the cool air. She even thought about mentioned how it seemed the other woman had him wrapped around her finger... but no. Save that one for another time.

"There was another reason for bring you out here." He she admitted to playing with him? Maybe. "This area is a bit dangerous. Too close to the ocean. I fear of mudslides." Savannah admitted to her alpha. Sliding her foot against the mud on the earth. Mudslides were easily avoidable, but controlling mud was tedious. Since being mixed with water it took a lot of energy to divert.

"I had them make the walls higher here." She pointed to the short cliff that surrounded the town. "At least it will block most if the mudslide were to happen. Of coarse, I have to give the credit to Demicora for this one. She slipped while hunting after it started to rain and told me about it." She told Noctis. No, she was not faulting his placement. No one could no until it rained and the mud showed itself.

She noticed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine, just being myself and complaining about nothing." She remembered how he mentioned the other woman looked like her long lost sister. She kept quiet. Deciding if she wanted to touch to sensitive subject...

"She looks like Tayla... are you sure you like her.. or the appearance of her?" Savannah asked quietly. Glancing up to the male.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:45 AM

Noctis listened. He clamped down on his anger, and kept his mouth shut. The mudslides would indeed be a problem. "We can move closer to the forest areas," he motioned farther North before sighing and shaking his head. He should have thought about this. THen again, how could one man judge the land so quickly? The rains had been necessary to tell with the mud.

The mention of Demicora made Noctis smile slightly. He'd finally managed to lose his frustrated aura. His presence shrunk to normal again. The Earth alpha glanced down at the woman in surprise when he heard her final question. "I-" Noctis frowned. He'd asked himself the question as well. Did he like Coventina, or did he like her because she looked like a mirror image of Tayla?

"I-it isn't your place to question." His words lacked the force they should have held. Noctis pulled his hand away suddenly, scoffing in disgust. "She's a woman. I like her." Still, the mixing of tribes was frowned upon. The mixing of alphas was forbidden completely. Noctis didn't want to mention that Coventina was the Water tribe's leader. . . .

The navy-haired male pulled away from Savannah, raking a hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter now. I need . . . sleep."


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