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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 01-08-2016, 01:08 PM

Everyone was starting to fall into their normal routines, at least as far as new comers go. Many were helping those that just came in, while others chose to stay out of the way. Eleanor's eyes drifted from the new people they pulled out first, then to the last two. The girl was out cold, but even like that, her demeanor seemed totally different than when she emerged from that place. The boy? Eleanor's olive colored eyes shifted to him; he seemed to be taking well to the healing and was becoming more and more active. The kid then vanished to relieve himself.

As always, the usual white haired woman came up to join her. "How are they holding up?" She asked with a nod of her head towards the bustling group.

The smirk on her lips told Eleanor that Nyx wasn't done with her comment from that morning, but for now she wouldn't say anything more on it. The woman's blue eyes looked to the new ones as well. "They're holding up well, even with Sabine's song gone, they seem to be coping as well as one would expect. They're shook up, but who wouldn't be? The place just started exploding inside for some reason." Nyx sighed, then rolled her eyes to the brunette. "They're shook up, but I think the fact that they're free keeps them from freaking out too much. They think this is all just a dream.

"They say that the girl saved them. That there were guards, the elite ones, not the normal ones, that came to stop them. They say the girl had these blades, long blades come out of her arms and just started slaughtering them. One say they saw her get cut, but the wound healed almost instantly." In her usual way, as Nys spoke, she used her hands. One hand touched the wrist of her other and pulled away, as though she were showing the weapon to the other. "The boy, he helped them through the hole." The white haired girl then shook her head before her bright eyes locked on the other's pale ones.

"They really did save them. If that girl didn't take care of those guards, how would the others have gotten out? Those guards would have killed them; we both know that." Eleanor said nothing as her eyes fell back to the girl again; how could someone so small kill the elite guard? That was something that was difficult to swallow. Perhaps they were caught off guard from the blast and that left them open; they were usually armed to or defended to be able to handle any of the experiments. Or, perhaps the facility hadn't been able to fully determine the spectrum of her powers and were unable to fully counter them. Or, third possibility was that girl was far greater a threat than anyone had expected.

"Oh, that's my queue, see ya later Eleanor," Nyx then chimed in as the boy they just saved returned. The brunette was about to question what she was doing, but the white haired girl vanished, just like always. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms under her chest, resting her shoulder against the cold wall of the warehouse.

Nyx laughed as she walked towards the male and the healer. "It's fine Lydia, if he's walking this early, he'll live. You go check on the others, I'll watch him." The woman, Lydia, had yellow-blonde hair that was kept in a neat, tight bun; she definitely fit the nurse look. The woman stood up, brushing the dust off her already dirty apron before moving on to the next person, muttering under her breath how no one took recovery seriously in this group.

Once the woman was gone, the white haired one sat on the cot that the male had been issued. Lifting an arm, she bumped his thigh offering him a mug with a warm white liquid. "Warm milk," she said before wiggling a plate that had three small cookies, "and cookies for the Princess." As she handed the cup up to the boy, she leaned back, using her now free hand to prop her up. "How ya doing boy?" She asked, her bright aqua eyes shifting up to watch him.