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Lilac is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 09:06 PM

:gold: Tinelle and Lilac's Game of Knowledge: :gold:

Ladies and Gentle Men, Boys and Girls, People of All Ages. Step right up and play Tinelle and Lilac's Game of Knowledge, you could walk out of here with a couple of spiffy prizes.

The two prizes are the following: One Tigra the Tiger, and One Leon the Lion. Two great prizes ;D

The way to win is to get the most questions correct first out of the 12 questions. Many people will attempt the question, so you must act fast and post your answer the quickest.

If a tie occurs, the two leading persons can Choose One of these Two outcomes:

# 1. They both choose one of the animals and walk away from the contest, they are guranteed to get a prize. We call this one " Playing Safe "

# 2. Or, they go into our " Sudden Death " Round. This round entails that both persons decide to attempt to answer the Tie-Braker question

If you don't try, you can't win, so what are you waiting for ~ :?:

Congrats Razzle and Jimmy, the winners of the June CI's ~! That is the end of the first round. Although another round may occur in the near future