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Old 03-15-2007, 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by Dare
I was a bit disappointed with Gaian donation items tbh. I don't mind the hair, but they are just 'alright'. It was a bit of an anti-climax when they were released x_x;

But yes! Events, both here & Gaia~ hurrah <3

Yeah~ I might pop in and try my luck perhaps. Just need to see where my priorities are.

I'm great, just bogged down with school and project, and a few exams next week. Aye, I'm more of a lurker on Gaia these days, but I tend to post in Fa'e thread most~ :3
Yeah, the items were just okay...I dunno. I appreciate the detail that's been put into them, but they don't really go with anything. :( Ah well, that's the breaks I guess. usually it's pretty anti-climactic on donation day. heh. I still love it.

Well, if you have time, you should totally come by and enter. I'd love to RP with you somewhere at least!

Good luck with your projects and tests. I know you'll do great!

Ah, the Fa'e thread. I'm always too afraid to hang out there. hehe. One day I'll make a Fa'e concept...really! I've had a couple, but have decided against them at the last minute.