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Old 08-13-2007, 04:47 PM

Gordon reached the corner of the street before the drycleaners, his mind reached out and probed to make sure they were still open, you never knew with the cleaners around here. He heard frightened and agitated thoughts coming from inside along with a calm and pensive thought from just outside.

He narrowed his seeking mind onto the man who was working. Thoughts of pure fear and dislike came to Gordon, thoughts were jumbled but he managed to pick out a few phrases. Lou’s monster, money owed, fear of the man coming in again, and a coffee stain. How had he missed this “monster” earlier, usually the denizens from the other world had different thought patterns.

He moved on to the other mind that was waiting. Elegant thoughts, something he hadn’t noticed before. Gordon assumed this was a gentleman he was reading, that or someone very old. The strongest thoughts were a mix between amusement and disdain, something had recently happened that this person didn’t like, possibly the coffee stain the launder was thinking about. “Tail flick, tail flick, oh that one noticed, hehe, look at him fall over himself. If I stay here a bit longer everyone would know who I was, what a fun little game.”

Gordon pulled back slowly as if he was walking away, never knew who could feel him probing. He collected himself, and moved his hand to fix his hat. His hand met empty air and he grumbled remembering that someone had sprayed cleaning solution on it and it too was at the cleaners. Rounding the corner he noticed the man sitting in the window, a slight flick of a tail caught his eye, but he made no notice as he entered the shop. Soft bells rung as he opened the door and stepped in, the frightened man jumped at the sound and turned around. Seeing Gordon he forced a smile and approached the counter.

“Hello there Mr. Lemron, are you here to pick up your things?” he shuffled in place, fidgeting with his hands. “I’m sorry but it seems that your boulder hat isn’t quite done, it should be 20 minutes or so, if you mind waiting.”
Gordon didn’t like when things were late to him, but this gave him time to chat with the other patron in the store.

“Thank you, I’ll wait.” He moved over to the other side of the window sill and took a seat. He turned to face the other man and noticed the antler horns coming out of his head but made no notice, nothing was strange in his line of business. Melvin and his girl brought him stranger stories and pictures than this guy.

“So what was it? Coffee or lipstick?”

Skyler couldn’t find anything, she usually had backups to her backups, but somehow she was all out. She hoped that it wasn’t thieving pixies or brownies that had taken her supplies. Sighing she stood up and moved to sit back down on her bed, she didn’t know any magic that could help her either.
“Why now of all times?! I molted three months ago!” she cried out to her empty room, a few more feathers floated down to the ground.

((Asahi, if the thoughts don't convey Ransome's personality I'll change them. feel free to tell me.))