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locochuwawa is offline
Old 09-12-2007, 02:43 AM

Draonir woke up with a start. "I must have been dreaming, but i cant remember what about. Where am I. I cant remember a thing." he picked up a note addressed to Draonir. "This must be me.... I'm now a .... Spirit guardian. I must protect the innocent from darkness. My memories have been erased and the need for my skills is growing daily. Search out the Immortals and assist them. Well this would be easier if i remembered a place to start looking."

He opened up his window to see a castle blocking view of all other scenery except a fight in the middle of the street directly in front of him. He saw the stronger man pull a dagger with a black blade out and even the castle guard stepped back from the man. Draonir's instinct took over and he leaped out the window landing, after a mid air flip, with his feet pinning the dark dagger to the ground. the next flash of motion anyone saw was the attacker getting hit with two chops in one movement one hand to the throat and one to the side of the head. The man fell to the ground still breathing but unconscious.

Draonir turned to the guard and said "I am to meet with one from the Immortals please take me to where one of them is likely to be."