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ladyumbra is offline
Old 09-21-2007, 09:44 PM

Hello and welcome to my request thread. I'm an art addict who's always in need of more art of her OC's. Searching for free slots in shops can be tedious at time so I'm setting up a thread here to see if I can bring the artists to me.

1. Please post your offers in the thread OR pm but not both it gets confusing.
2. Please be very clear on who or what you're looking to draw and for how much. I love haggling but I need clear guidelines
3. Do not steal my character in any way shape or form their concepts and art all belong to me or the artists I commissioned in the past.
4. Pay attention to how much funds are listed on the front page. Offering things I can't afford makes me sad.
* to be added to

Directory of characters
1. Kishi and Del
2. Tiwaz and Jera
3. Brianna and Cariseka
4. Gil and Mira
5. Owen and Kayla
6.Sidra, Sari, and Anao
7. Jamie and Brennan
8 Theo and Krystal
9. Rekha and ???
10. Pash and Malen

Current funds:1500.93
as of october 5th