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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by xdark_secretsx
Originally Posted by Seito
Originally Posted by xdark_secretsx
Originally Posted by Seito
*rubs hands together* Hehehehehe Only 240g more to go till I get that pot of gold! *plots* Hehehe

.... I feel like an evil scientist plotting to take over the world. xD
I know you'll get it. Just keep chatting with us and you'll have it in no time. :)
I hope I will. If there's only an hour left though, I'm not so sure. @.@ Perhaps I can find someone who will buy it for me before the event is over and that I will pay them back as soon as I earn the gold (which would be after the event is over...)

Well then again, it's not like I -need- the pot of gold.
But you almost half way there it seems. :D
wait... how did I ? Was it you? Gah!

*runs off to check the messages*