Thread: Nana: A Fan Fic
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opiate is offline
Old 10-03-2007, 06:04 PM

Hachi shook her head to shake out the negative thoughts, she knew everyone would be busy with their music and tours, especially Takumi, but it didn�t stop the loneliness she felt every so often. Hachi sighed once more as she turned off the T.V when a sparkly from the left had caught her eye.

She lifted her hand to stare at the diamond engagement ring that was recently joined with a simple white gold wedding band. She loved her rings because to her they meant that her she was finally getting her dream, a family. Things were finally going right after so much unrest the last few months that she can honestly say she was content, and sometimes even happy.

She knew she had hurt a lot of people with the choices she made, but really what else could she do. She knew in her heart Takumi was the father of her child and that there really wasn�t anyway Nobu could support them.

�Argh� Hachi moaned softly �That sounds cold even in my head Sa-cha, Mommy doesn�t mean that she only choose Takumi because of money�I did it because of you, because you deserve a family� Hachi smiled softly when she felt a small flutter from her stomach.

�I know in the past I�ve been selfish and naive to believe that things would never change� Hachi sighed �But I then I never thought I would be a mother either�

�But then you came into my life and you opened my eyes to the fact that I had to think about you before myself� Hachi rubbed her stomach as she continued to talk � I knew I had to do what was right not what was easy. Yes I would have been easy to stay with Nobu, but it would have been for the wrong reasons.�

Hachi slowly got up from the sofa and walked over to the windows �I did love Nobu and if wasn�t pregnant I might still be with him�

�But these last few months without any contact with him made me realize�maybe it wasn�t love� Hachi said with a slight frown �I�m not sure I know what love really is anymore�

Hachi giggle slightly when she felt a sudden kick or was that an elbow? �Don�t worry Sa-chan I will always love you�

Hachi turned her gaze back to the window before slowly looking around the very quiet living room. �Let�s go to a movie Sa-chan and I�ll introduce you to the best snack food, Popcorn�

With that thought Hachi got ready to go out.

Nana, do you remember when you told me that he was a player? I wish I had listened

Nana O. Laughed as Ginpei lost yet another round of Mahjong to Shin. �Well Gin..what do you exepct� Nana said with a grin as she got up from the table �Our brat is a wiz�