Thread: Nana: A Fan Fic
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opiate is offline
Old 10-03-2007, 06:08 PM

�I�m sorry Ichinose-san, but your baby wasn�t able to survive� the doctor looked down at the small woman with honest regret �I am truly sorry for your loss�

Nana slowly stopped fighting as her body started to relax from the drugs. She turned her head away from the doctors and started to cry softly but before long they became deep gut wrenching subs that rocked her small frame.

The doctor eyed the young woman with sad eyes before he nodded towards the door informing the others it was time to leave.

Nana didn�t even notice them leave nor hear the door close softly behind then. She couldn�t seem to stop the tears or her body from shaking; she just didn�t have the strength or the will to stop.

In the darkened hospital room she cried for the loss of her child alone.

Hachi I never regretted anything more then that night I introduced you to him. I wish I could have changed that night�then maybe things would have been different.

Yasu quickly pulled Nana into his arms when he saw Hachi start to fall, the last thing he wanted was for her to see her friend roll down the stone steps and look like a broken doll at the bottom.

Nobu sat frozen as he watched her fall hitting each step and feeling as it he was the one the falling, it was his body getting hit by the stairs. He watched as she rolled to the bottom and stopped just before going onto the road. He looked away unable to be look at her broken body and stared at the other Nana as she cried into Yasu shoulder.

Shin couldn�t take his eyes off the T.V as his mother landed on the ground with a loud thump. He watched hoping she would get up and start screaming at the reports but she didn�t. She just lay there broken, nothing moved and not a sound was heard as they watched her lie there on the hard ground. He frowned slightly when he noticed something when one of the cameras zoomed in. �blood?�

The others in the room turned to face Shin, not hearing what he said only that he said something.

Nana pulled herself away from Yasu and looked at their youngest band member �what did you say Shin�