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Cerena is offline
Old 03-20-2007, 12:43 AM

Link, he come to town! He come to SAVE! The Princess Zelda--

Ok, ok, you get the idea. XD The Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite gaming series personally because it's the first that I've ever played. Back when I was a wee tyke, my next-door-neighbor had an N64, and since he couldn't read yet, he would 'enlist' my help in playing Ocarina of Time.

The Legend of Zelda boasts some truly magical scenery and places. Though I used to hate Princess Zelda herself, she's eventually come to grow on me (mostly through the efforts of Super Smash Brothers, where I would kick people's arses as Zelda/Sheik. XD)

Of the entire series, I'd have to say that Majora's Mask is actually my favorite. It was the first Zelda game I ever owned and actually beat. I still secretly have a massive crush on Skull Kid. XD It's a lot darker than most Zelda games -- though I haven't finished TP yet, I'd still say MM has a darker feel to it than TP -- but that's part of the appeal, I think. I actually really liked the whole THREE DAYS BEFORE THE MOON CRASHES INTO THE WORLD shtick, I thought it was fairly original. I also really liked all the sidequests and personalities placed into the NPCs -- Anzu and Kafei, that crazy dancing dude on the mushroom, ect...

So how about you guys? What is your favorite game/character/scene/blah?