Thread: Ossein Tavern
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Wolf Fireborn
Wolf Fireborn is offline
Old 03-20-2007, 09:05 PM

Wolf was making his way down the road at a slightly fast pace, not that he was trying to escape anything he just always seemed to be in a state of curiosity. Needing to know what was going to happen next in his life. He liked traveling and this path seemed it would lead somewhere interesting, everything sounded and smelled like your typical forest but there was something a bit "odd" about the area. As he walked he rolled a coin like object down his knuckles over and over as he always does, he saw it. "Now now now, what do we have here? A tavern made of bone... Interesting."

He approched the building slowly, checking scents the woods still smelled the same, he caught all the normal civilization smells, fire, cooking food, people, ect. He decided everything was ok for now, as he reached for the door and pulled it open