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Old 10-10-2007, 03:53 AM

Ninja and Chubz glare at him with daggers in their

Himmel decides to interject :" i don't think that such a good idea
whose gonna protect me when all the jocks are gonna play
sandwich with me..well then again..maybe that wouldn't be
such a bad idea...".. getting day dreamy about the whole situation
Chubz takes over :" Now that ain't gonna work, 'cause you just
ugly as we are. What we need is to target certain ladies that would
maybe have a certain allure..or charm towards us and persuade them
our way.

Ninja nods : " ya ya! i like that." Chubz continues: what we need to do
is get a list of all the fine ladies in this school, and start picking out a few
ladies we could get our hands on. Pest ponders while scratching his chin,
completely enthralled by the plan: Alright it's settled..Himmel you go by me a new hat, and the rest of us will get all the 411 on the special ladies".

Himmel a bit excited to buy him a piece of clothes agrees and goes off to the nearest mall. Ninja and Chubz watch Himmel leave. " doesn't he have a class starting in few minutes" Chubz asked Pest.

Pest shrugged " Perhaps..but i need a new hat, his class can wait."