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` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
` v - c h a n n. is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 10:00 AM

(( Hurray! :3 A hot spring to hang out at! ^ - ^ Should I post my application form here? :3 Well, I will now, if you want me to edit my posts pleeease PM me!

Er. I wasn't sure if I should make it up, so I made it up. :3

Name: Chiyo.
Age: 17.
Work Experience: Hot spring hostess at another country. ( AKA. Gaia. > 3 < )
Brief statement of why you would like to work here: :] I would love to work at this job as I enjoy working at hot springs. I also love roleplaying so this is just a perfect place for me! ;] I'm pretty experienced at this job as well. (Heard of Raiinbow hot spring on gaia? >D Yeah! I own that! Kehe. ^ - ^ ) :] If I'm employeed I promise to be as active as possible!

Pleeeeeeeease PM me if I get the job! :] I'm waiting for your response!