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whitebeast is offline
Old 10-20-2007, 07:29 PM

Jono for once since he arrived felt safe. He smiled back rather genuinely at the pharaoh. It was the first time in years since someone addressed him by his name nicely. Not like your teachers who spat out your name as if they were saying your mom was a prostitute or some vulgar reference. The feeling it gave him was wonderful. He felt like a human really.

Something stirred in him after, the blond felt happy. This Pharaoh was different from all the noble he met. The air of familiarity and even the informality... It stirred interest in Jono.

Upon being told to follow and make his way to the kitchens, he nodded saying a quiet yes.

But he didn't leave without waving discreetly and smiling before he trailed behind the other's cape once more.