Thread: Ossein Tavern
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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 01:28 AM

Cypress stood as Mylas finished talking grabbing his shirt and cloak and tossing a snide smirk at the boy before walking along the lower level looking for the bath mentioned. Pushing open the last door left to check he finally found the tub, and let out a soft hiss of pleasure. Turning heel he made his way upstairs quickly to his room where he rummaged through his satchel to grab a clean shirt and leggings. Kicking off his boots and unbuckling his belt he tossed the shirt into his cloak and gathered it up to take back downstairs with him. Reaching once more into the satchel he withdrew a vial with clear thick liquid in it and hastily unstoppered and dipped his claws into it counting silently to 10 before dipping another in it. Satisfied that he had removed all of the poison he grabbed his clean clothing and cloak-knapsack and walked back to the bath room.

Several hours later Cypress emerged from the room smelling faintly of lye and the abundance of herbs that grew along the side of the waterfall. Jumping the stairs two at a time he returned to his room once again pulling out the chair in front of the hearth laying the shiry, cloak, and trousers he had previously worn. Grabbing a corse brush from his satchel he began to meticulously scrub every bit of dirt off his boots and belt before slipping both on. Content that he would not be returning outside for the day he slipped on all his rings and necklace before tying his hair back and following his nose back downstairs to where the smells of dinner were wafting.

Back downstair he sat at a table and finally noticed the newcomer that had appeared earlier. Staring for a few moments he motioned toward the chair to his side and waited patiently for some sort of reply.