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Old 10-23-2007, 02:03 AM

Earth Characters
Username: Jayms_Fallen_Angel
Character Name: Ellaren Avalon
Character age: 18
What time they're from: 12th Centuary
Physical Description:

Personality: Curious, carefree, sweet, not really all that comfortable with being in control of her own life. Airy.
History: he was born into a wealthy family as the youngest of five. She has three older brothers and an older sister. Her brothers pampered her and treat her like a princess whilst her sister actively strove to find herself the best husband she could. Ellaren imply let her parents and brothers organise her life so long as she could enjoy the pretty things.
Other: None yet

Username: Senpai
Character Name: Kain
Character age: 21
Character Race: Human-Japanese/English
What time they're from: 25th Century
Physical Description:
Kain is a tall woman, standing at 5'11. Her hair is mid-length, but looks very short when tied up. A good portion of it and cut specifically to hide half of her face. Her eyes are the colour of sapphires- clear, bold and over all, cold. Her trade mark outfit is a read dress shirt, a black and gold corset vest, black pants, black and gold combat boots.
Personality:Kain is a very cold person. She doesn't trust many people for fear of being attached to them. Her knowledge is vast and is always learning new ways to conquer her enemy.
History: Kain grew up in the scenery of war. Everyone who she loved and knew died before eyes. Her parents where taken from her at a young age. She became a dog to the military to prevent others from experiencing the same as she. Kain and her subordinates were in the middle of a battle that would set the outcome of the war when she was taken into Aion. Whether she wants to go back or stay, is only up to her.
Other: As said, Kain has little to no friends. She has one that is considered a friend, Gabe.
Her weapons of choice are katanas, but she is well adversed in all forms.

Character Name:Gabe
Character age:25
What time they're from:25th Century
Physical Description:Gabe is much taller than Kain. He stands at 6'5". His hair is short, but very jagged. His eyes are a dusted green, but they are hidden behind his glasses. His garments are consisted of a long purple colour material that very much resembles a fedual monk outfit. There is a dragon-like pattern on the upper and lower front. A yellow belt separates the upper and lower outfit. He also wears a gray ever the shoulder bag. It is filled with many books from different genres.
Personality:Gabe is very outgoing. Always making jokes, trying to get others laughing and over all having a grand time. He is always questioning the situation he feels in unnecessary. Gabe tries to be the Devil's Advocate in stressful times.
History:Like Kain, he grew in war. However, his family, being one of the richest in Avalon shielded him as best they could. Because of family traditions, Gabe was enlisted into the military at the age of 18. During his time, he met Kain and shared several classes with her before persuading a profession as a Scouter. At 24, he quit the military. Feeling that needless death was not the path he wanted. He moved to the South-Western part of Avalon, away from the war in the North-Eastern area of Avalon. He currently lived his life as a local Historian and educating the near-by children before he was placed in Aion.
Other: Gabe doesn't fight. He is more of the Strategist. He is also found with his head in the clouds, believing in the fairy tales that Kain found to be rubbish. Gabe feels that he is best friends with Kain and that she feels the same with him, even though she never shows it.

Username: Estrella
Character Name: Alexandra
Character age: 20
What time they're from: Renaissance Era (17th century)
Physical Description: Alexandra is Italian and has long brown hair that comes down part her shoulders. It's usually braided into a ponytail or pigtails; she only wears it down for special occasions. She has green eyes and tanned skin. She usually wears a velvet, red, corset vest with a white, long sleeved blouse underneath that comes down lower on the waist and wide-opened sleeves. Her bottom half is covered in a long black skirt that touches about her ankles and bare feet. She wears a flower silver pendant around her neck on a piece of thin rope.
Personality: Alexandra is a family girl, she has a very protective nature. She's very intelligent and doesn't have a very good sense of humor, mostly because she takes most jokes as an insult. She's not entirely serious, though, she just doesn't understand sarcasm or the like. She loves to talk and is a very optimistic person.
History: Alexandra grew up in a period where everyone was blooming in art and literature and other aspects of the intellect and she was always one to put herself in the middle of it all. She has two younger brothers, who weren't much for intellects and her mom, who was always a "family" kind of person. Alexandra got that piece of her personality from her mom. Her family was middle-class, and had a small farm in the hills of Europe, where they raised animals to sell to the butcher. Her father was away at war. When Alexandra was drawn into Aion, she had been helping her little brothers get a horse saddled up for a trip into the town.
Other: N/A

Username: Lady Monoki
Character Name: Phoenix
Character age: 21
What time they're from: 24th centuary
Physical Description:

Personality: : Phoenix is bipolar, on the one hand she seems to be reserved, very calm and collected person who is extremely quiet, always sitting and watching others silently trying to learn from their actions and movements. Softly spoken her words are very few but always true, she prefers to listen to others talk rather than talk herself. When she does speak however her voice is gentle and sweet full of kindness like a mother singing her child a lullaby. She never smiles and always seems depressed over something that is bothering her but can never be told. Sad and lonely she hides her emotions and the scars of her tortured soul well behind her eyes that are always wondering as if she was off in her own world dreaming of the unknown. Academic to a fault she thinks things through, considering every option before acting on them with a cool level head her mind sharp and focused on her goals. Honorable and noble in battle she is fearless, fighting only for her own cause’s, caring not if she lives or dies anymore for she has nothing left to lose and nothing more to gain. On the other hand Phoenix has a long fuse but when it burns out she has a huge explosion and there will be no going back, her personality flips to one you do not one to be on the wrong end of. There is a cold hearted killer sleeping under her sadness awoken only when she is on the job or she is pushed over the limit. This is personality developed when her life was stolen from her as a small child. Twisted and tormented she tortures those in her path in the most unimaginable ways possible before leaving them to die in flames of their sins. Their screams of pain give her a satisfaction that her job is done and the only thing that will release her anger until it is focused on another target. Her eyes fill with the flames of anger, glossing over as if she was possessed, leaving her to be nothing but a soulless doll. Her movements are quick and swift almost like a dance, her tongue sharp and deadly, the words leaving her lips piercing your ears like a million needles, cold and full of hatred.
History: Very little is known about Phoenix, her past has long since been lost and forgotten in the ageless wind. What is known is she was born in the 24th century in a world that talked of war. Where violence and despair is all anyone ever knew especially for a small child forced to grow up alone the cruel world. When she was but a child everything was stolen from her when she became orphaned at the age of five. Her father was never in the picture and her mother was killed trying to protect her only child. In the dark silence of the night a gang broke into their house with the goals in mind to take everything valuable and kill the inhabitants. Phoenix’s mother hid her in a secret room built under the floor of the house and covered by a rug. When they could only find the mother they became furious when she wouldn’t tell them the girl was hiding so they brutally raped and murdered her before burning the house to the ground. Unpronounced to them was that she was hiding under the very room they where, young Phoenix witnessed everything but was unable to do a thing about it. She managed to escape the house before it was completely engulfed in a blaze and swore that she would never allow herself to become as helpless as she felt that night. From that day she never went by the name her mother gave her for when her mother passed so did the child she once was and from their ashes a new life was born. She took on the name Phoenix and started a new life, one void of human contact. After witnessing her mothers brutal death the once happy girl turned into nothing more than an empty hollow shell of what she used to be. Seeing man as nothing more than cold evil beings she cut herself off from the real world and embraced a new form of comfort, on not in the form of organic beings but mechanical. Her only friends as of date are her inventions using her talents to hunt down everyone involved in the death of her mother.
Other: Phoenix is an engineer and scientist. She is always building contraptions, inventing things or experimenting on something. Her latest obsession has been poison.. She is very swift and cunning however she prefers not to resort to doing anything too physical. She uses her mind to fight more so than her body though she is a very talented in martial arts. Thinking things through, she is a strategist more so than a fighter. She always seems to be off in her own little world appearing to be very depressed for only things driving her though life is her hate and anger for the rest of the world.

Username: FlinkPamingo
Character Name: Florina Lewis
Character age: 24
What time they're from: Modern
Physical Description: Average in almost everything, one thing that sets Florina apart from everyone else is the bright green colour of her eyes. Other than that no one would notice who she is, especially not since she wears glasses at all times, being quite incapable of doing anything without them.

Her hair, which goes midway to her waist is a light brown colour, with two streaks in the front dyed red and slowly fading to look almost pink. Her skin is pale since she hardly ever gets out to see the light of day. And because of the baggy clothing she tends to wear, no one would know whether or not she had a figure if asked.

Personality: Generally shy around those she meets at first she can warm up to be a rather silly girl. Though, that takes a lot of time. Before that she's not really talkative and would rather study or be on the internet than go to socialise with anyone in person.

History: Florina had a normal childhood, the worst thing in it being when her family was standing on shaky financial ground when she was 10. Aside from that her father died when she was little, so she never knew him, which made people think she just hated him since she had no memory of him.

Her stepfather, whom her mother married a few years after her father's death, wasn't the nicest man. He constantly berated Florina and her three siblings. His rage at the family was the cause of Florina moving away, to the other side of the country. She moved from North Carolina all the way to California and didn't look back.

Then 18 Florina got a job at a popular clothing store, but lost her job at the age of 20 when a snobby little girl tried to say Florina shoved some lacy things in her bag to get her arrested. The store let Florina go with a note to any future employees that she wasn't fired because of anything she did, since she agreed to go quietly. Since then Florina had the idea to make her living with the internet, becoming a top internet idol, taking pictures of herself in various outfits and telling her fans about her life and her adventures living in California and looking for a job. She's managed to meet all her bills, buy a good used car, and keep herself well fed and clothed with the money her adoring fans donate to her "cause."
Other: Florina is a top internet idol going by the name "Floo-chan" on various websites and has her own website where her fans can donate to her.

Username: Pink Pantzer
Character Name: Strifin
Character age: 19
What time they're from: 12th centery
Physical Description:
Personality: Kind, fun loving, happy go lucky…all in all a good sport
History: N/A
Other: He is a master swordsmen and archer

Character Name: Kait
Character age:17
What time they're from: Modern Times
Physical Description: Bright Green eyes, Bangs hide his right eye.
Picture as Kuro Kage:
Except got green eyes and the tux is usually black and the blue parts are red.
Personality: Cheerful type of guy. Always on the look out for his best friend (keeps her safe and all). Smart too. Playful.
History: Kait is also known as Kuro Kage, a magician thief who has no real motive. (sometimes he steals for personal gain, sometimes he doesn't)
Other: He has another alias as Shiro Hikari.

Username: Seito
Character Name: Hikage
Character age: 17
What time they're from: Modern Times
Physical Description: short purple hair and purple eyes.
Personality: A very shy and timid girl. She doesn't like being around people and is a bit of a bookworm. The only person she trusts is Kait and her father.
History: being the daughter of a rich business man, subject her to multiple kidnappings (one that led to her mother's dead) due to this, she grew up fearful of other people. Her only stable connection in this world is Kait.

Angel is not here any more
If you want to contact her, email her