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Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 01:28 AM

(This post really should have only taken me 10 minutes; why it took an hour+ is beyond me. Banner to replace this text later.)

The air is thick with an intoxicating aroma, wafting and curling in tendrils seemingly through the crack in the ever so slightly open, large and ancient looking oaken door. You raise a brow and silently double check the piece of parchment clutched in your hand- the words, 'you are cordially inv-' coiling out from around your thumb, covering the rest in your palm- before gazing back up to check the number by the door. This is the address, alright.

You shrug, reaching forward to grasp at the decidedly a little bit gaudy, large and dragon shaped door knocker, tail coiled in the shape of a handle, with ornate and ruby studded eyes glinting back at you. As you lift tail-handle up warily to knock, you can't help being caught up in a momentary staring contest with the dragon's eyes. No way those are real. Who spends that much on a handle?

Another half-shrug as you begin to descend with your hand to knock--but what's this? Without warning, you lurch forward as the door swings forward, your arm still very attached. Luckily, you have enough forethought to release, and maneuver that sends you barreling into the unsuspecting figure opening the door.

You gaze up, finding yourself face to face with a rusty-haired man who looks even less impressed to meet you than you are him. And with good reason. As you raise yourself to your feet and he picks himself up, miserably brushing the dirt from his uniform, you open your mouth to apologize, but are quickly silenced (and considerably miffed) by a grunt and a head turn away as the man heads back down the corridor. "You know," he calls back; "fashionably late is only a suggestion, not a requirement."

1 - Intro
2 - Rules/Further Intro
3 - I forget but it'll come to me. D:
4 - Reserved for others
5 - Reserved for others
Etc D8 This table of contents will be prettied up, don't worry. XD