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Stephie is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by Shrii
  • @ Facade - Since when is Dumbledore Gay O____O? This I must see xD.

    @` t e a - That would be wonderful. I Get blonde jokes a lot - especially since my hair is literally that white washed bleach. Even though it's natural every body thinks it's died so I get hassled about that as well. I'm sick of looking like a vampire, give me some color darnit.

    I'm just a little nervous about doing it and it looking horrible -since It takes a lot of dye to color my hair. It's fairly long and curly. So it's expensive and I'm a dirt poor college student D=.
omg you dumb blonde, he's been gay for hundreds of years, didn't you know? =o

Like, really. Isn't that horrible? BURN ALL HARRY POTTER BOOKS~!