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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 06:51 AM

I'm happy to chat. :3

I think I want another of those gowns... I should have looked at more avatars before I spent all my money! D: I ended up buying a hat I didn't actually like as much as the one I'm wearing. XD;; I wouldn't have bought it if I'd taken the time to see it on an avatar first. XD; (It's not ugly or anything - so no insult is meant to the artist - honestly. It just isn't something I like on my avatar. XD; For a different avatar it would work!)

I had over 4,000 gold before I came home from work tonight and I've spent it all on items. :c

I would also like some more stripey stockings - just in case I want to funk up my wardrobe. :3 (And I do mean "funk" as in "funky".)