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Miss You Guys <3
Winterwolfgoddess is offline
Old 10-31-2007, 09:36 PM

Neyor- For being my first poster.
Ayx- For selling me my beloved V-day pendant. I will NEVER sell it.
Seiki Nova- For gifting me a Menewshan King's Crown.
Sakura- For making the banners in my exchange and quest thread.
Winter Wind- For always keeping my thread alive and being a great person to chat with.
Cami- For deleting 5 posts so I could make I can add on to the first page.
Windy(again xD)- For helping me get a Lovelipop while I was not on.
Rainy- The buyer who keeps on buying!
Hina and Bartuc- For lending me extra gold so I could get my Pure Love Boa from the GB auction
**Yuki** and XxXshizuki-chanXxX- xD For being active in keeping my thread alive and a great friend. ^^
Esmeriena- For always having each months CI set reserved for me. ^^

Last edited by Winterwolfgoddess; 05-25-2009 at 09:57 PM..