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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
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Old 10-31-2007, 11:50 PM

They could always do some sort of "Harvest Festival" event, in place of Thanksgiving/TurkeyDay... But I think probably that would be next year at the earliest - assuming Menewsha ever had one. XD

There's not really a huge amount of time to have learned from Halloween and what can be done better/differently...

Halloween and then less than a month later some sort of other big event? And then Christmas? And then New Years?

OH MAN. !!!

Do we get to celebrate Chinese New Year? D: That's February this year! I would die of happeh. (I'll actually be in Australia - Melbourne, specifically - for Chinese New Year. D: I am so off-topic right now. Sorry. XD; )

Er... My point was (I got distracted, sorry XD; ) - I'd be shocked if there was another major event before mid-December. :3 (Shocked, but pleased, of course. First year items = money in the bank for years in the future. ;) )

I'm handing out Halloween candy to Trick or Treaters right now, so my thoughts are so scattered. :c