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inseCuREly is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 09:04 PM

Hmm... this is a difficult question for me to answer. I read so many books, that I can't pick just one that was really sad. Then again... I cry more easily while reading than I do while watching movies. xD

Though, I suppose The Scarab by Catherine Fisher (third book in The Oracle Prophecies trilogy) was pretty sad - to me, at least. Mostly because the sad part involved my favourite character. A certain part in that book makes me cry every time I read it. I'm not even kidding. xD EVERY SINGLE TIME, and I've probably read that part about ten times (most of which were done in an experiment to see if I really would cry again; it astounded even me).

Oh, and! The Sight by David Clement-Davies made me cry a few times too. Heart-wrenching, a few parts were. >: