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Everstar is offline
Old 11-09-2007, 04:16 AM


In the midst of planning and discussing in the throne room after everyone had departed, leaving Clyde and Mai to speak with the king, former enemies talking about the situation at hand and how to deal with it, no real solutions being resolved, but then again, that didn’t matter, the plans were being laid out anyway, it was a mere formality. The passive aggressive ‘negotiations’ were interrupted by the very resounding noise that had caught the attention of all present. Running in was a grey blur, and behind it, a black dressed seraph, down to the wings on –her- back…it was female, and Clyde was definitely not going to not notice that, what from way her blonde hair fell…

“Come on, Serel, you’ll have to try harder then that!”

The Seraph’s sword was drawn, making it a wonder she even made it into the palace, then again, Aredhon had taken all but the royal guard at the throne with the king, whom was now at arms, readying in case she should attempt a strike…instead, she was striking at the other intruder, trying to cut him though he vanished into thin air as she did, the sword passing through nothingness in it’s swipe, the grey form appearing at another location unscathed. Again, the angel charged, falling short once more…

“No, no, you’ll never catch me that way. Over here! Too slow. Come on, Shadow. Whoops, no chance.”

This continued for a few minutes before the form appeared on top of one of the flags on the wall, mounted above the floor, well above the seraph, “Come on, I know you can do better then this, Serel.” In his hand, as Mai now spotted, was a single black feather in the likeness that had been on the seraphs back, and apparently, she was chasing him for it, the way he taunted it above her. Without a second thought, ‘Shadow’ charged in headstrong, bursting into flight after the form, “Your days are numbered, shifter!”

Before the seraph could even touch him, though he looked oddly effeminate it was obvious it was a he, the ‘shifter’ vaulted from the pole, directly over the seraph, reaching out to pluck another feather of her wings, which rustled, with a audible repeating of the sound echoing from his lips, just to annoy the angel. It worked, of course, as she changed directions in midair, vaulting back down at the form which vanished, appearing in the center of the room.

“Come on, Serel, might as well give it up. You’ll never catch me, and you seem to be losing in your efforts across the board…after all, I have twice my spoils now…and…what is it that you have?”

How long had this little game gone on, of feathers, annoyance, toying and playing…across the world, in multiple kingdoms, towns, the expanses of the wild…she could seek him through her feathers, and he could avoid her with his skills. It was an endless dance, endless from the way their respective races worked, and to the end of time they’d be ‘dancing’, waltzing over the wheels of eternity. Obviously, she didn’t like it, growling at him, though sheathing her sword despite it.

“Bah…your days –are- numbered, shifter…where have you taken us now…”

Not so much a question, as an order, though he complied anyway, pocketing the feathers in his small growing collection, five of them now, and looking around, peripheral vision keeping an eye on his predator. One didn’t live this long without being cautious…”Judging from the throne, I’d say it’s no farm.” Chuckling and with a smirk that so suited his features, the shifter turned back to the angel, raising his hands up and shrugging.

“You’re in the throne room of Aephris, and it’s a pretty good chance the two of you may be imprisoned for attempted assassination of the king. Really, though, how did the two of you get here…and…what are your names?”

Curiosity could be dangerous, but the shifter merely chuckled, striding, slowly, over to the seraph, “My name…is Dondt. Ezkiel Dondt. This, lovely little killing machine…” As spoken, one hand twined around her waist, prompting a growl…the seraph knew she couldn’t hit Dondt, but there was no reason to flaunt the fact like that…it was torture…”Is Shadow Serel. She happened to be chasing me…in pursuit of one of her feathers, well, about six now isn’t it Shadow…” Oh, he was taunting her, and she scoffed, looking away, “If I remember right, the lot of you are looking for help…aren’t you? Looking to take down one of those Drakors?”

Shadow alone was a bit surprised that Dondt had the time to even gather information when he wasn’t being chased…one of these days…she’d kill him and take back her feathers. They were important in ways no one but she and he knew…and it was best to -keep- it that way…Clyde, also in a state of shock, slipped an arm around Mai with a quick smirk over to her as they both walked p to the other two, “Darkor? I wouldn’t know anything about that…but we are trying to deal with a Khaine of the Black Sword…help is appreciated, of course.”

Dondt nodded, kissing Shadow’s cheek quickly, a light peck, and then jumping back before she had a chance to knee him or slap him…by now he knew how the seraph worked. “Shadow, please help them.” Noting to himself the scowl, the growl, and the hand reaching for her sword…It had to have worked, and Shadow turned to the other two, “Fine…when do we leave. I –will- kill you, shifter. Five.”

“You’ve said that before. Now then, I take it you’d want my assistance as well, hm?” Dondt chuckled, pulling out a feather and holding it up, looking at it as if he were inspecting something to the light. These feathers were more precious then gold to him…and he wanted to be the only one exploiting Shadow’s weaknesses, as he wouldn’t abuse them too badly as others may. The shifter wanted merely to annoy her…

Clyde, however, shifted at the offer…two people fighting amongst the ranks wouldn’t…be good…”Well…yes…bu-“”Shadow, let’s not fight until this Drakor is dealt with…It’s Drakor, anyway, General, not Darkor.” The feather in his hand vanished, had he teleported it somewhere? “Darkor is another kind of mixed breed entirely, you see. Much less deadly, however, and cannot control the shadows. Probably the one thing that makes Darkors easier to beat. One thing either can’t control, however, is this Shadow…yes, you.” The one that was glaring at him…

“You say Khaine is a Drakor…? Well…can you explain that…?” Clyde shifted a bit, wondering how reliable this information was…but then again, it seemed like Dondt knew a lot…or at least as knowledgeable on this subject. Either way, he could be a help if it could all be verified…and any help in defeating Khaine was more then welcome.

“But of course. Do you have a meeting room for this? Some chairs would be nice, seeing as this will take a while. I do hope you’ve slept well last night…”
Eloquence is divine.