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Aly1991 is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 05:12 AM

I hope everyone enjoys the first chapter:)

Chapter 1

I was happy.

To be in this moment forever would be a dream come true. I looked at my three friends in the eye. They all had the same emotion as me. They were happy too. I sighed inwardly. To bad this can not last forever……….I had to break it to them.

I looked up at the setting sun. It was warm and its glorious rays penetrated my heart. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

“Why are you crying?” Mitizi asked with concern on her face. I could tell she was worried because she gave me a confused look.

“It’s nothing. “ I said with a sigh.

“Hey silly! We can totally tell if you are telling a lie. You are totally down!” Rosie said with an edge of conviction in her voice. She gave a little harrumph to emphasize what she was saying. It was not like I didn’t get the hint. I rolled my eyes at her. Sometimes she could be just too dramatic!

Rosie turned to Mitizi and started talking about the latest “princess shirt” at Ables and the new fashion magazine Gracie’s Style. I smiled .Rosie and Mitizi were happy people that could always bring sunshine even on a cloudy day.

But I couldn’t bear it for long, I turned away. I looked at the beautiful golden sun which was halfway gone. Just like I was. My throat was beginning to close up. It couldn’t bear the sun either. It just reminded me of everything on this old chapter of my life was coming to a close.

My friend Selena stared straight at me .Her glare was penetrating. I shifted in my stool. I was feeling uncomfortable.

“Aura. As Rosie indicated over there” She twisted her head off in Rosie’s direction. Rosie smiled backed at us and crossed her arms and continued talking with huge gestures and her arms waving through the air.

“Anyway. You can’t hide anything from us, especially from me. I know you Aura and you can not hide.” Her voice became low and cold. Sometimes when she became like this, you could feel that her emotions had completely shut down. It always brought a chill..

Selena was always like this. It was because she was abandoned when she was a baby and she was scared she would get hurt. At times like this she would try to completely shut you out.

The thing is she would get hurt because I was leaving. I couldn’t bear to see her like this. I could not bear to tell her the truth. She looked me in the eyes again and this time I could not move.

Selena’s POV
I was happy.. I was finally happy. This what it was like to be a family.

I looked at her. My friend Aura. She looked worn and tired. She was hiding something from. And when she hid something from me it was usually bad .She gazed longingly at the sun as if she wanted to fly away into the sunset.

There was a lot of chattering from Mitzi and Rosie. Something perhaps about clothing and the latest fashions. I had to think. I wanted to bite my nails but then I thought again about it. I was usually the composed and was always the sane one of the group beside Aura.

I couldn’t help it. I just shut down. I tried grasping for my emotions; love , joy, care, and hope. But nothing came to me. Nothing at all.

I felt as if I was frozen in ice. My body which was my inner self was suspended in darkness. I was losing myself and technically putting my emotions in deep freeze.

I shook my self out of my reverie. What was Aura doing now? Yes, Aura. Aura was staring at the two perky girls I call friends. She was smiling. She looked happy at the moment. But her smile quickly became a grimace. She turned again and was looking at the setting sun in the window. Her looked told me of bitter-sweet memories. I could always read her like a book and she could not hide anything away from me.

She turned again and our gazes met. I would to know what was going on. I NEEDED to know what she was hiding from me.

Aura froze and I froze.

We were suspended in ice. It was something I always wanted.