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MurasakiCrown is offline
Old 02-03-2009, 04:37 AM

The thread is yours, the forum is not. All threads are subject to Menewsha's rules. I see other users who post large images that manage to keep within the site's limits. Posting links will not hinder people's ability to see your image. I see some people post thumbnails of their work and they seem to get along just fine.

I am aware that page-stretching is subjective. However, having a relatively wide resolution and STILL having page-stretching caused by your images, I am inclined to think that others experience the same thing, especially with my resolution being relatively common.

Self-gratification has nothing to do with this. I ALWAYS read the rules before taking any sort of "mod action" (or what have you).

Quoted directly from Menewsha's Posting Rules, under the Page-Stretching section (in red letters, easy to find):
Any page stretching posts may be deleted or edited without consent from the poster. This also includes signatures and images.
Page-stretching is bothersome. Menewsha thinks of the community, not just the individual. Each user is important to us, but every single user is subject to the rules, and if the rules make it clear that something must not be done, then it must not be done. The rules say I could have deleted your post, but I didn't, because I don't think it's fair to do so without giving you a chance.

The 400 by 400 image was very likely a mistake; I couldn't remember the exact order of the images that were stretching the page.

I did not edit the other images because they actually manage to fit on my screen. There are some that fit on my screen in the post I edited, but because the background is white, they appeared larger on my screen. Feel free to edit those if you feel like coming back, lest I overstep my boundaries, according to you.

I'm sorry if I offended you. I happen to like your work, but tend to stay quiet in the art post forums because I have so many places to post in already. I was surprised to see your images stretching the page with the resolution I have, so I knew I had to edit your post. I edited all the links because I was in a hurry.

If you are so easily discouraged from posting the forums, then I am very sorry to see that. However, I do believe that I am in the right, or I would be completely ignoring you right now.

It's rather unfortunate that you double-posted ^^;
Private thread or not, that's not allowed either.