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Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 04:40 AM

(And now I shall start the rp. Feel free to PM and join!)

Abel wasn't the sort to be a soldier. Heck, he could scew up even the easiest of tasks. Six foot, skinny as a rail, and in clothes that he could very easily trip on, he was a danger to himself with his own Pudao.

But certainly with a pillow in hand, he was not in any danger, right? Granted, he had his Pudao in the other, but what was the worst that could happen.

Ohh, if only he could find a proper vampire on this island. With a little blood, he'd do a lot better. Then again, it was one thing for a normal vampire to find a human on Menewsha. It was quite another for a Crusnik to find a vampire.

"Oh, well. Least there isn't any trouble about," he reflected as he looked up at the moon from his perch on a large rock near the Red Roses' base. It was a pretty night, and no trouble seemed to be afoot, so his pillow was held slack in his fingers. Next to him, his pristine white HeartFace Fox seemed to watch the starry night quizzically without any vision to speak of.