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theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:19 AM

Lathrine was a fighter, simple as that. Sure, she wore silly-as-hell outfits half the time, and would cross-dress as guys a fourth of the time with only wearing 'normal' clothing the last fourth, but she was a fighter.

The fact that she wore ridiculous outfits, was under six feet tall, and was pretty skinny just served to deter her opponent from the fact that, when fired up and pissed, she had one helluva temper and was not to be trusted with a sword or any blade of any kind around the 'enemy'. And the Red Roses- a team that was full of witty people who could take a joke and liked to act fast- was perfect for a girl like her who preferred to whack first, question later eighty percent of the time.

Smiling as she spotted Abel at his perch, Lathrine scrambled up the back of the rock and sat down next to the Crusnik, handing him a chocolate bar while her own White Heartface Fox rubbed Abel's in greeting, "Nice night, huh? It's so clear out tonight, feels like I can see forever."

Last edited by Lathrine; 02-15-2009 at 05:29 AM..