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Kultura is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 07:09 PM

Rules Are Tasty. Om Nom Nom!

Well first of all, here are some incredibly useful links.
They will give you the ins and outs of the site. Remember, this is Menewsha.
Menewhsan rules apply.

Site Rules.
The Newbie Starter Guide.
How Do I Earn Gold? A Newbie Guide To Gold Earning.

As for my own personal rules;

1. Read the rules and guides posted above. Doing so will make the site sooo much easier to use, and by following them, you won't get into any trouble!
2. Don't double post. This is a site rule, but damn I need it here too. Double posting is posting twice, three, four times in a row, and is not allowed. If you post after yourself, you need to report it. Click the little button at the bottom of your post to report it. A mod will then delete it.

Alright, so that's the basic stuff.
Now, the rules to the actual charity.

1. Follow all rules (hah)

2. To be eligible for a donation, you must
  • Have 30 posts in this thread
  • Be no more than 31 days old on Menewsha

3. PM forms to Kultura. Your donation will come from NewbieCloset.

4. Do not PM me a form before you have 30 posts.

5. Don't try to scam me. I can check your posts.

6. Please don't be rude or moan :(

7. Stay on topic. Involve yourself in conversation, don't just post random stuff to build up your post count!

9. Don't get grouchy if another member gives you a friendly nudge if you've broken a rule, please. Show respect to everyone! :-D

10. Don't start drama. I will ignore you. Everyone else will ignore you. So don't.

11. Two strikes and you are out! *Blacklisted* See below for what I consider to be a "Strike".

12. Mules aren't new members, so don't try to pull that on me. If I suspect you I will report you and blacklist you.

13. I can change/ add rules whenever I feel necessary. Hopefully, this won't be too often.


As I said above, two and you're out.
Out means blacklisted.
Blacklisted means do not post here.
And that you will not receive a donation.
  • Constant double posting - Once or twice if fine, but when you have been told over and over, yet still do it, it's not acceptable. It's cheating here, and you'll end up with an infraction on your account.
  • Sending a form before you have 30 posts
  • Begging/ Spamming - Again, both breaking site rules and cheating. Just join into the conversation, no-one will ignore you!
  • Being rude (see rule 8)

I've taken out my whitelist, it's too hard to keep up with all the amazing people who come in here! xD

You broke more than one rule, despite being warned! :-(

TrippyKittenGore for saying all the charities are lame.

Last edited by Kultura; 01-28-2010 at 12:30 AM..