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Old 03-18-2009, 03:12 AM

Despite my current habitation being in California, I had made plans to go to Momo-con. I had even made a Yumeh costume which I had planned to wear to surprise CK and Omi. Excited with my costume, I had decided to wear it to bed so I wouldn't waste anytime putting it on tomorrow. To prevent heat exhaustion and hot flashes (for the costume was very stuffy, but I decided to sacrifice my well-being for the good of Menewsha), I cranked the A/C down to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. With the tickets set on my table the day before, which was Friday, I prepared to go to bed. However, my anxiousness caused me to set half of the clocks in my house ahead one hour, and the other half back an hour. Unfortunately, I somehow spent 18 hours in some sort of space-time continuum loop, reliving Friday (right up until the explosion). I was able to exit the loop only by reversing the polarity of the power source that has trapped me in the loop, which happened to be e^log(pi) x sin(ln(x)^30) for the clocks in the house while simultaneously hopping on one foot. However, after reversing the polarity of the clocks, the clashing of polarities caused an explosion, the hot air of the explosion decimated my tickets, but fortunately, the yumeh costume saved me. However, it was destroyed in the process.

Here is what the yumeh costume looked like after the explosion:

Although, was destroyed in the process. Now with no ticket or costume, I wandered the streets (this was Sunday, please don’t ask me how I ended up on Sunday, the tragic events have made me forgotten how to explain the days jumping ahead) looking for someone who I could trick persuade to give the ticket to me. I finally found someone who would be willing to give up their entrance card for me in exchange for $50. I only had $40 on me, for I had spent my savings on materials for my costume, so I had to do some horrible, horrible things I will not mention in order to get the tickets. Turns out, when I gave the security guards my ticket, they were thrown back at me proclaiming it was fake.

Here is what the card looked like:

I went back to my old hotel room in despair, wondering what Momo-con would have been like and not having the chance to meet CK and buy original Omi art. ;_____;

I guess, if I couldn't go, a female shirt might make up for my misfortunes.