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jette is offline
Old 03-20-2009, 01:03 AM

007. Repeat

She waited patiently on the outskirts of the neighborhood tapping her foot thoughtlessly against the hard concrete. A small monarch butterfly squirmed past her nose and she softly shook her head and sneezed.

A shadow loomed around the corner and she turned around quickly," You're here!"

The boy turned the corner and flashed her his million dollar smile," Yep. I'm never late am I?"

She returned his smile with girlish fervor," Nope! Let's go okay? Papa might get worried about us."

That appalling frightful words clung hastily on my mind. Forgetting it was futile, seemingly effortless to shrug it off.

How many times have I replayed it in my head now? I always thought we'd meet up someday, that you'd come find me of your own free will and we could go back to the way things used to be. But we can't do that now can we?

You were the only friend I ever had.