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NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 03:35 AM

Renee winced when Victoria called her nice.
Dan turned to her angrily.
"That girl--" He took a deep breath.
"A few years ago, my brother, Pete, found her sitting in the streets. I went off to buy a Coke while Pete talked to her in a nice conversation. I thought she was a nice girl so I didn't watch 'em."
He gritted his teeth.
"When I came back--Pete was lying--dead." He spat the word. "He had a bite on his neck and he looked drained of all his blood. That nice girl," he said sarcastically, "drank all his blood and left him dead."
"I was thirsty!" Renee cried. "I hadn't drank anything for weeks! I couldn't help it! If I was able to choose, I wouldn't have killed Pete!"
"Shut up, you liar!" Dan shouted.