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Rose_Requiem is offline
Old 05-07-2009, 10:02 PM

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Pre-Made Vampires

_______________________________Chloe Requiem
  • Screen Name: Rose_Reqruiem

    Character Name: Chloe Rose Requiem
    Society Position: Vampire Queen

    Age: 3000, Looks 18
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Hair: Dark red
    Hair Length: Long
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Color: Pale
    Race: Vampire

    Personality: Chloe is a stubborn vampire. Being the queen she is used to getting what she wants and if she doesn't, heads will literally roll. She can have her sweet moments but that only happens behind closed doors with her husband, the King. She prefers only the best in everything. She has a crude sense of humor and rarely shows pity for those who break the rules.

    History: Chloe was part of the uprising of the vampires. She wasn't the one who started it but she snuck her way to the top, becoming every vampires favorite. She was born human actually, in America, to a poor family. One day while wandering out at night when she was 18, she was bitten by a vampire and turned by accident. She lived on her own till the uprising where she became the queen without anyone noticing.

    Slaves: Rachel and Steven Wells

    Likes: Fine blood, mind games, her slaves, her king, rules, red roses, and music

    Dislikes: Rule breakers, humans, sun, animal blood, flowers

    Fears: Crosses, religion, and sunlight

    Secrets: She was born a human.

    Roleplay Example: *Not required*

    Other: OPTIONAL.

_______________________________Morse Requiem
  • Screen Name:

    Character Name: Morse Darth Requiem
    Society Position: Vampire King

    Age: 4000, Looks 20
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Hair: Black
    Hair Length: Long
    Eyes: Black
    Skin Color: Pale
    Race: Vampire

    Personality: Morse is a flirtatious guy. He is a smooth talker and can do whatever he pleases. He loves chasing after women and it gets him in trouble a lot with his queen. He also has a dark side to him where he can be cruel and evil and if he's not after women, he is overseeing the torture of humans.

    History: Morse is one of the few born vampires in the world. Born to high level ranking parents, it was only natural that he was set up as the king once the Vampires took over. Early on in his life, he learned fast and was quick to invent new ways to feed on humans and how to torture those who once threatened to rat them out to the world.

    Slaves: Rachel and Steven Wells

    Likes: Women, blood, torture, inventing, and riches

    Dislikes: Boring people, peaceful times, animal blood, human men.

    Fears: Crosses, religion, and sunlight

    Secrets: He is unfaithful to his Queen

    Roleplay Example: *Required when applying for role*

    Other: OPTIONAL.

Pre-Made Humans

_______________________________Steven Wells
  • Screen Name:

    Character Name: Steven Anthony Wells
    Society Position: King and Queen slave

    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

    Height: 5' 9"
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Hair: Blond
    Hair Length: Short
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin Color: White
    Race: Human

    Personality: Steven is pretty easy going and quick. He gets jobs done fast (the reason he was chosen by the queen to be her slave). He has a funny sense of humor and puts on a face for others. Behind the doors though, he is hurting and sad, yearning for his freedom.

    History: Steven was born in a shack. His parents were hiding from the vampires who had owned them because their owner forbided human babies. When he was 5, they were found. His parents were killed and he was brought back to his parent's owner. There he was treated harshly until he was brought along to one of the queens balls where she bought him from his owner and where he has lived ever since. There he met Rachel and fell in love with her.

    Slaves: None

    Likes: Laughing, Rachel, working, humor, and his parents

    Dislikes: The vampires who killed his parents, darkness, blood, pain, and torture.

    Fears: Being killed, Rachel being killed, and blood

    Secrets: He is secretly married to Rachel.

    Roleplay Example: *Required when applying for role*

    Other: OPTIONAL.

_______________________________Rachel Wells
  • Screen Name:

    Character Name: Rachel Sarah Wells
    Society Position: King and Queen slave

    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Hair: Blond
    Hair Length: Long
    Eyes: Grey
    Skin Color: White
    Race: Human

    Personality: Rachel is a quiet girl who has a smile on her face. She had never known freedom, only the life of a slave, and gladly serves Morse though she doesn't like serving Chloe. Whenever she is alone she likes to sing and is gifted with musical intruments if she can get her hands on one.

    History: Rachel was a slave born into Morse's family. Once Morse was born, she was the one who became his wetnurse. She got him everything he wanted and made sure he was happy. When he became King, he brought her to the castle with him, not wanting to part from her. There she met Steven and fell in love.

    Slaves: None

    Likes: Steven, children, books, music, and singing.

    Dislikes: Pain, vampires, working, torture, and blood.

    Fears: Death, never having a child, being parted from Steven

    Secrets: She is secretly married to Stevel

    Roleplay Example: *Required when applying for role*

    Other: OPTIONAL.