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Ivvy is offline
Old 06-21-2009, 05:25 AM

To be a performer you need to be a traditional performer of the circus trade. So things like acrobats, clowns, ring masters. Any thing along those lines. Will be accepted here.

Name:Aoi Midori
Avi Image:

Catagory: Performer

Any thoughts or comments on the image: Tamer of Lions and other naughty little creatures

Name: xxxarcxangelxxx
Avi Image:
Catagory: (performer)
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Female ringmaster of this very fine circus.

Name: raszala
Avi Image:
Catagory: performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: i'm a wirewalker =) i balance my way from one end of the rope to the other

Avi Image:
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Hired because she knows a whole range of magic tricks, and an occasion slap stick sketch... ^_^

Name: Sizzla
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: This is my version of a trapeze artist. Though her costume is a bit more lavish than most trapeze costumes, she's excellent at what she does, so nothing seems to impede her performance. The headwings also give her an airy quality, like the air she flies through during every performance.

Name: Kultura (:cool)
Avi Image:

Catagory: Performer!

Any thoughts or comments on the image:
Typical clown - Fun, childish, brightly coloured...This clown is dressed to mess! Ok, so the eyes are orange, and maybe that's a bit creepy... But what clown isn't creepy?! *hides* She has ducks on a string, which are a vital part of her act. She sometimes juggles them!

Name: Hatake Ayumi
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: The ever ready Ring master, with armor to protect her against any misfired imaginary bullets from the feisty clowns or any high flying human cannon balls. Wearing silver, she outshines every other performer and knows it too. Cane in hand, ready to lash out at any behaving, orderly clown and every unbalanced high wire walker, she is the absolute ruler of the big top. And you better know it.

Name: Vivian
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: I guide the animals to do tricks and maybe even tames lions!

Name: oHsoDemandinG
Avi Image:
Catagory: (performer)
Any thoughts or comments on the image: She's an acrobat! Watch as she shows off her skill in gymnastics and great agility.

Name: Hyda
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Hyda is a bright and smiling performer who excels in acrobatics and tricks (With help of her little panda, of course). She can be a bit clumsy at times when performing, but ^__^ the show must go on~

Name: Angel Spirit Girl
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Category: performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: She is relaxing out in back of the tent with some of the performing animals in between acts.

Name: Nekochan5345
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Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Hello Ladys, Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! I am Ringmaster! Let me introduce our first spectacularly spectacular act!

Name: Versailles
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Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: She's the Ringmaster, and wears horns to bring a more circus-y feeling.

Name: Silver Magi.
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Catagory: (performer or sideshow) Performer.
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Sometimes, if you're lucky enough, the circus might throw on a show, with fancily adorned elephants, with girls in bright costumes, standing up while riding the elephants around the center ring.
With her feathery skirt and flashy gold jewels, this elephant-rider is ready to entertain!

Name: Clair Voyant
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: There is always someone in a mask with a sticky-thing at the circus. x3

Name: .pixie dust.

Avi Image:
Cammy The Clown

Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Cammy The Clown. She'll make you laugh until you cry with her wacky tricks and crazy jokes. She rides a uni-cycle and gets pie in the face. Sniff my flower? Why sure, it's so... GARH!! She squirts you in the face with water. Watch out for Cammy. She's there to be the joke, but sometimes, the joke's on YOU!

Name: Sadrain
Avi Image:
Category: Performer
Comments: Come one and all, come and see the foreign, strange Dream Rose! As she performs her beautiful dances on arena, the purple roses grow and entwine around her body, the thorns never leaving a mark on her pale skin. Often, she shows magical tricks with help of her Panda Rosey and sometimes even gifts beautiful roses that are said to fulfill a wish...

Name: shinigami2
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Any thoughts or comments on the image: She is a tightrope walker/acrobat, she takes her chances on the rope and never uses a net below, each performance could be her last, will the audience watch as she takes the chance?

Name: Cloudwalker
Avi Image:

Catagory: performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: A human cannonball whose aerodynamics let her fly high across the field. Don't look away, that cape does more than look good.

Name: Thulhu
Avi Image:

Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: In my experiences with circus clowns there is always a over sized and somewhat hairy baby clown who whines and crys to the dismay of the other clowns until the Big Momma clown comes in to trip all over his toys as he whizzes about and then finally catches him to take him to bed. Well here she is, big momma clown!!

Name: Sakura_Madison
Avi Image:
Catagory: performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Here comes Lina the Lion Tamer and her partner, Leon the Lion. Leon obeys Lina's commands from jumping through the ring of fire to shake hands with Lina. In the final act, Lina dares to put her head inside Leon's mouth!

All done!

Name: Strawberry Octopus
Avi Image:
Catagory: performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: Ages ago, the land was ridden by thousands of crumbling ruins. Thosands of strawberry jam shugar cookies used to frolic untill one bakery unleashed feverous amounts of yeast in the batter! people where scared, and buildings toppled, resulting in the ruins of such a happy, loving baking comunity. Cookies ran wild amongst humans, and often bad things resulted in this. Matabalisms slowed, children become spoiled and lazy, none to mention the natural baking habits of the effected area are severly dented! So, come some years after all of the destruction, a person dressed in lolita-pirate attire decided that she'd be the person to calm the hearts of millions of people, and cookies alike! The people of menewsha call her...The cookie tamer! The tamer of Crumbs, cookies, and fear! No cookie should ever cross The cookie tamer's path, for fear of its strawberry Jam filled center being slurped right out from under it's over yeasted sugar cookie base. This instalment of fear, and reverse trust results in many awe inspireing Baking gymnastics. Have you ever seen a cookie do a split?
Name: fairywaif
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: This tightrope walker delicately balances over a rope many feet below her. She uses the umbrella to embellish her act, not for balance. She floats down delicately at the end.

Name: Fiziali
Avi Image:
Catagory: Performer
Any thoughts or comments on the image: My avi is a lion tamer, with Leo representing the lions she tames. The ring of fire depicts the burning hoop the lions jump through. The whip is not really used on the lions, as she is an animal lover, and does not believe in harming the lions, but rather, she uses the snap of the whip and the pantomiming of her hands to indicate to the lion which trick he/she is to perform next. At the end of a show, she rewards her lions with a special treat for a job well done.

Last edited by Ivvy; 06-28-2009 at 06:59 AM..