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Old 06-21-2009, 09:36 PM

I found that strange too, but that's what the cards have read fairy!
Adain-chan - Seven Days + Inspiration and Guidance

I consulted the Magician for Inspiration and Guidance. Here is the reading:

Be self-confident and direct your energy toward your work, research, or projects that you can do on your own, as that is where your strength will lie.

For your seven days, the cards that the spirits have led me to are:

Sunday - Three of Swords - You will salvage what you can, but things will not yet be completed or resolved. Don't panic, this experience is only temporary.

Monday - Knight of Pentacles - An open, honest, direct communication could turn an ordinary event into an extraordinary experience. Follow your heart, your hunches or your gut reaction and your efforts will be rewarded in more ways than one.

Tuesday - Eight of Swords - You will escape from oppressive situations or prisons of the mind or body. Don't blame yourself for the faults of others. Walk away or say no.

Wednesday - Page of Wands - Pursue philosophical or intellectual hobbies, work or lectures and get things settled or down on paper up front. That way there won't be any unpleasant surprises.

Thursday - The Fool - Release wants, cares or worries and let go, let God. Don't hang on to things out of fear of loss or failure. A divine discontent is propelling you toward a better way of life.

Friday - Queen of Pentacles - Clarify your objectives and when faced with a circumstance you previously would have bent under, recognize it as an opportunity to be at cause instead of effect and press through it.

Saturday - The Devil - Oh deary deary me...Problems could multiply today and your perception may be clouded. Don't forge ahead blindly. Slow down, plan carefully, and proceed with caution.
That's it for me now... Bedtime!

Goodnight everyone! I'll be back tomorrow<3