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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 08:21 PM

This is a really cute idea!
I'd love it if you could write one for me <3

USERNAME: Emma Corrin
GENRE (fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, etc): Hmmm, Fantasy probably :3
DEFINING TOPIC(S) (love, war, school, fairies, cupcakes, wolves, etc. etc.) [choose up to five]: Friendship, Cupcakes, Cookies, Books, Library
LENGTH (# of paragraphs, pages, etc. Up to 3 Microsoft Word pages): Whatever you feel inspired to write ;D
MENEWSHA AVATARS INVOLVED (yours, another user's, none, etc.): Mine, ReiyukaE, and say-i-love-you
EXTRA DETAILS (warning: the quill may choose to take details into account or ignore them as it pleases): ReiyukaE is my sister, say-i-love-you is my friend
If you wish to use names, you can use the following: Emma = Megan, Reiyuka = Ellie, say-i = Kaitlyn (I call her Katie-lynn on occasion)
Maybe have it themed in a library where we're all reading novels and there's only one cupcake left so we start acting wacky over the last cupcake and trying to decide who gets it - and then I randomly have a craving for cookies so we all forget about the cupcake and try to figure out how to get cookies now 'cause we're all craving cookies after I mention it? XD
We're all girls by the way :3
say-i-love-you and I are in our very late teens, ReiyukaE is in her twenties :3
METHOD OF SENDING (PM, e-mail, post, etc. [Note: longer stories are best sent by PMs or e-mail): E-mail is fine - I'll PM you my e-mail addy if you wish to send it that way - if not, then feel free to PM it :3

I can't wait to read the story if you have inspiration enough to write it <33