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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:52 AM

Sitting with her friends at a table outside the cafeteria, Leane bathed in the sun as she ate her pizza. Her friends, hardly eating anything as they tried to maintain their trim waists, gazed at Leane's food - their mouths watering. Leane rolled her eyes, "You two should eat, you'll die if you keep up that eating routine."

The girls simply shook their heads and continued to drink their 'diet' water. Never had Leane understood the latest diet crazes - especially the one where a brand of water was supposed to have less calories than regular water. 1. Water had no calories, 2. How can a substance with no calories, possibly have a diet version with even less calories.

Continuing eating her pizza, Leane sighed, thinking to herself that she would keep to her own way of dieting - eating as much as she wanted, whenever she wanted, and not exercising a bit outside of gym class and gymnastics.

As lunch went on, many boys came up to Jenny and Joanna, handing them small pieces of paper with their names on it to be added to the drawing. Some were typical - geeks who admired her and wheezed when they saw her, jocks who wanted to say they scored with her and took away her innocence, the typical sorts who pined over the most popular girl in school. However, there were a few names that were a bit of a shock, and quite a laugh, from the girls. However, their names were added to the list, though knowing full-well they would never stand a chance amidst all of the names of the gorgeous boys on campus.