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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:43 PM

After locking her car in their two-story garage, Leane grabbed her things, put her sunglasses back into her hair, and headed into the house. Grabbing an apple on the way through the kitchen, Leane stopped in the living room to see what her brother was watching.

Looking up as Leane hovered behind him, Josh grinned at his younger sister, "Yo. You look absolutely pissed, rough day?"

"Yo yourself. And I am pissed," Leane replied as she gently slapped the back of his head before climbing over the back of the couch and settling in beside him, her back leaning against his side as her legs hung over the arm of the couch. Placing her books on the floor and taking a bite of her apple, Leane took the remote and turned the TV to Cartoon Network - Tom and Jerry was on.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Josh said as he ruffled her hair, "and get off me, I'm not one of your puppy dogs boy-toys who wait on you hand and foot!"

Leane rolled her eyes and snuggled in closer to him, "You know you love me. And besides, that show was boring, Cartoons are much better entertainment - especially when you think of the one getting hit all the time as Matthew Sommers and the one doing the hitting as Leane Supton."

Josh laughed at the mention of the boy, "That outcast? How'd he even get your attention?"

"Ben and Jack. They entered his name in our contest," admitted Leane miserably and she took a bite out of her apple.


Leane then went on to explain about the Ball and how Ben and Jack had entered Matt's name into the drawing.

Chuckling, Josh patted his sisters thigh, "Lee, you're fine. I doubt he stands a chance, you'll probably get one of those dense jocks who'll just drink all night and leave you alone like you want."

Leane sighed, "Not all jocks are like you, Josh."

Josh laughed, "Hey, I was a decent jock last year and you know it."

"Yeah, too bad you graduated. Now you'll be corrupted by the college jocks and the high school ones will remain dense and wretched!"

"Ah, but maybe I'll have a good effect on them, eh?"

"Yeah right. You? A good effect? Now that's a laugh," Leane teased as she finished her apple, placing the core on the table beside her for the maid, who was walking by at the moment, to pick up and throw away for her.

"Ha ha," Josh retorted as he began tickling Leane's sides, "Now say you're sorry!"

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Leane managed between laughs before Josh finally gave in and stopped tickling her. Placing a kiss on her head, Josh sighed, "What am I going to do with you Lee. You're more trouble than you're worth."

"Nonsense! I'm the perfect little sister and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah, sure you are. Don't you have homework to do and a dress to buy?"

Leane groaned as she got up, "Yes, and I have texts to answer too. I ignored them on the way home, they're all wondering why Matt and I got into an argument that led to me parking behind his pile of junk so he couldn't leave and bitching him out."

Josh eyes her curiously, "Really.. care to explain?"

Leane rolled her eyes and gave him the short version as she picked up her things, "He tried to commit suicide by walking out behind my car as I was backing up, so he pissed me off, I bitched him out, then he pissed me off some more, so I stalled and put on lip gloss, and then I left, leaving his pile of junk in the dust behind my gorgeous hybrid."

Josh laughed as he turned back to his show, "Honestly, Lee. One of these days you're going to find someone who won't put up with you. And won't you be in for it when that happens!"

Placing a kiss on Josh's cheek, Leane teased, "Never. How could anyone not love me and 'put up' with me, as you so kindly put it."

With that, Leane headed off to her bedroom that nearly covered half of the upstairs. She had her own bathroom, small library, vanity with only the best make-up and perfume, desk with the latest technology, four-poster-king-sized bed, window seats, a small balcony that looked out over the garden out back with an elegant patio set set up on it, small exercise machines - you name it, she most likely has it.

Setting her purse down on her desk, Leane walked over to her bed and landed face first into her comforter. Giving one good screaming groan into the comforter, she felt a little better and sat up so she could do her homework and reply to all the txts she'd been receiving since she left school.

'It's a good thing I'm a whiz with this thing or else it'd take me forever to reply to all these..," thought Leane with a laugh as she looked at her 20 messages, all from her close friends and the few people who knew her cellphone number.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 06-28-2009 at 10:28 PM..