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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-28-2009, 04:16 AM

Dawn sighed as the hours passed by, her work seeming never ending. Pausing in her work to rub the sleep from her eyes, Dawn noticed something blue out of the corner of her eyes. Quickly looking over in that direction, there was nothing but a woman in a green dress working. Shaking her head, fearing that sleep was getting to her and making her hallucinate, Dawn went back to her pile of work, which seemed to have gotten just a tad smaller.

'Curiouser and curiouser.. Strange things are happening today... First, Lewton's toupee, then my not getting fired and everyone seeming to have forgotten the incident, then I saw something blue that was there and then disappeared, and just now I could have sworn I had three more shirts to sew, but they're missing..'

Sighing, Dawn let everything slide and went on with her work, believing that it was all simply sleep taking over her her imagination and causing hallucinations. As she worked though, her thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the blue blur she saw out of the corner of her eye.

Pausing in her work, Dawn let thoughts consume her - thoughts of 'Perhaps.. perhaps it wasn't my imagination.. Perhaps something was there... But what could be that tiny and move so quickly unnoticed?'. She continued to wonder as she quickly began her work once more upon noticing Mr. Lewton begin to peek through the curtains at the workers to make sure they were all working and not slacking.