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Lejic is offline
Old 07-29-2009, 01:35 PM

@Had: Fo shizzles! :P

Me too! @_@ I wish I didn't have to study. I want to start right now, you know? XD I have my hangman images at the ready and everything!

@Kent: Oooh okay so, you can draw either of these two then, if you would. *excited*
the blue-haired guy in this picture:
He's one of those 'mature, but doesn't show it' types. He seems reckless but when you look at his actions he isn't, not really. He just seems careless. >: And um, clothes-wise he can wear anything, the only thing I might say is that he likes gray.
I tried drawing him more realistically but then gave up. XD;

the girl in the first four panels of this strip:
and um here's a color scheme for her.
She's a 16-year-old brat. She's captive of the "punk/goth" teenager style thing. *shudder* Just think of her as an annoying redhead. :P Always wears black/punk/goth stuff, obviously. Other than that, go wild if you wish.

Thank you in advance! >_< :heart: This is the second fanart I'm ever gonna get. 8D; Exciting!

@Wiwi: It iiis exciting!

@Wulf: It is! :3 I do too, it's my favorite part of events and mini-events. ;]