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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-31-2009, 02:29 AM

Jareth let out a shout of triumph that caused all the goblins around him to start. He punted the nearest one across the room out of sheer jubilation and started up his own little jig.

She had seen it! She believed. He could not only see it on her face, but he could feel the shift in her mind and heart, thanks to the Fae food that she had earlier consumed. Now, it was only a matter of time. But until then, he could try...

"My special girl," he whispered, his breath momentarily fogging the surface of the crystal. Words meant for her ears alone. Whether she would choose to hear was up to her, but now that she had seen... Now that she BELIEVED...!

Anything was possible now! Anything! Particularly the one thing he wanted to happen. And the Goblin King always got what he wanted in the end, didn't he? So far, thanks to his trickery and cunning and wiles, that had always been the case.

"Everything I've done, I've done for her!" He caroled to the throne room at large. "She won't be able to disregard my existence after this!"

He snapped his fingers, and at once the goblin with the blue hair was at his feet. He picked the goblin up by the collar of his ragged shirt and held him up to eye-level, an almost feral grin on his face. The goblin cowered as best he could whilst being suspended in the air.


"Hoppon, Your Majesty!" The goblin squeaked.

"Yes, whatever. How would you like a promotion?"