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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-31-2009, 11:30 PM

He shook his head before beginning to fade out from the hill. In to his castle. He could have simply transported there within the blink of an eye, but he suspected that she would enjoy this little bit of "fantasy" theatrics.

Once fully back in his throne room, he turned his hand, a crystal coming up in his palm. The girl was there on the hill. "It begins now," he murmured, though he did not wish her to hear, and so she did not. "Why do you have to be so fair-minded, so stubborn? Traits to win any king's heart, it's true, but at this moment... You are simply driving a wedge between you and me."

He lowered the crystal from eye-level and rubbed his closed eyes, a very displeased expression on his majestic features. "This is NOT going according to how I planned it..." He muttered darkly. All around him, goblins laughed.

"SHUT UP!" He roared, bringing his fist down on the arm of his throne. Immediately, the goblins fell silent, cowering beneath his burning glare. "You think this is funny? You think, after years of watching over this girl and making sure she was provided for and kept clinging to her hopes and dreams, after having her refuse my offers and choose to put herself into danger for an oaf of a mortal who does not deserve even a shred of her kindness, someone she despises... You think all of this is FUNNY?"

"N-n-n-no," quavered a goblin. Another shook its head furiously, while yet another threw its arms over its head in fear when his king's glare fell upon him.

"I didn't think so," the Goblin King gritted out. Still, it was not like his good mood could be restored just like that. He reached down, picked up a goblin, and threw it across the room, through a door, and into the outer hall. He imagined that it was Lewton's bald head. Ignoring the goblin's screams, he gazed into his crystal once more. What was that girl up to?