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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 03:35 AM

"Mistress, there is an intruder outside of the castle!"

"An intruder?"

"Yes, Mistress! A human!"

Javitha cursed and shot out of her throne. "It must be Jareth at work... Come, my ladies, we must see what this is about."

With that, the Queen of the Fairies spread her wings and darted out of the throne room of the castle she made in a hole in the Outer Wall, with her ladies-in-waiting and bodyguards following close behind her. Though they were diminutive things, able to fit in a human's palm (perish the thought of them actually sitting in one), that did not mean that they were to be underestimated. Javitha was as cunning as the Goblin King himself, and her bodyguards swift and quite capable of defending her.

The Queen of the Fairies flew along the Outer Wall to the Labyrinth with her entourage for a few minutes, until finally she spotted a large figure ahead.

"There, Mistress!" Cried Polythe, the fairy who had initiated the warning. "That's the human I was telling you about!"

"Good, Polythe. Guards," Javitha snapped at them to follow before flying up to the human's face herself.

"You may give your name and your reason for intruding on the Outer Wall to Her Highness, Queen of the Fairies, Javitha," bellowed a guardsman to the human.

"Did Jareth put you up to this?" Javitha spoke up herself, her face hard. "Are you on a quest to get to that fool's castle?"