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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 03:19 PM

*throws in another Alphabet-related game :P*

Figured that since we have an Alphabet Names and an Alphabet Foods game, I might as well make one for animals ^^

  • Post the name of an animal, any animal, including humans, be it the common name like 'Humans' or the scientific name like 'Homo sapiens'.
  • Extinct or mythical creatures are also fine, such as Raptors or Dragons, Unicorns, etc. Game creatures are also fine, such as Bahamuts, Shadow Creepers, etc. xD
  • In alphabetical order, please. If you can't think of any animal beginning with a certain letter, Google is your best friend. ;) (I imagine it's probably going to be hard with animals that begin with X...)
  • Have fun!

Last edited by Antagonist; 08-01-2009 at 03:31 PM..