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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 07:31 PM

Dawn curtsied once more before the Queen of Faeries with a nod of her head, "Yes, your majesty. I accept your conditions and understand them fully. However, I'm afraid I cannot give you that tear now.. I have no reason to cry tears of any kind at the moment. However, if you would like to send one of your faeries with me, I promise to protect your faerie and give him or her a tear of your description as soon as I am able. I know you probably will not trust me, for I am a human and goodness knows most of us are untrustworthy.. But I give you my word and swear to you upon my honor and my life, that I will provide your faerie with a tear as soon as I am able."