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ljosberinn is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 03:39 PM

Youn, maybe. xD Davison's very popular as well, isn't he? I dunno, it does depend a lot on who you talk to.

Leenie, true. I think a lot of people are still not quite believing it and hoping they'll somehow reverse it.

This is difficult to talk about without spoiling.. xDX

A part of my loves when TV series kill fairly big and/or loved characters. It shows confidence - they're sure they're popular enough so they can do that. If they weren't, they'd never dare kill anyone and that would be no fun. Then you'd know all the characters were going to live forever and there wouldn't be the same kind of excitement.
I love Ianto and I'm terribly sad he died, but at the same time, a part of me is glad they didn't chicken out and bring him back to life. I'm sad Torchwood had to break up like that though. I wonder what will happen to Jack, and if we'll see Gwen again.

kasorin, no no no, you start watching Torchwood after season two! And watch it alongside Doctor Who, because that's when Torchwood started, and they do intertwine the two series a little bit. : D

Why didn't you guys like the CoE? I thought it was really good myself..

I need to watch more Classic as well. I have a few more, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'll probably watch loads of it this winter.