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.Cain is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by pchanpiggy View Post
@.Cain: It is adorable, I first saw them dancey dancey in the comic and ever since then I've wanted a Rufus doll or something where he is dancing.
I just opened my letters an hour ago, the nightmare sash made me cry, I've been questing for an angelic sash for 4 years now... and it just reminded me of how far away I am from getting it.

I want to see 9, District 9, and Julie & Julia too =3
and have you seen the trailer for the new Sherlock Holmes movie? It's staring Robert Downy Jr. the guy that played Iron Man >w< it looks freaking awesome.

@Siri: I liked it, but just like all the other Harry Potter movies they leave out things from the book that you would have liked to seen. I was however glad they showed the pygmy puffs.
Rufus is amazingly cute.
But I like my Cygnus and Devin. Oh, and Everydude.
They're all <333333333333.
& Aww. D: I don't have enough money for like, almost anything right now and I suck at questing. :U. HATE it.

& Yeuh! Julie and Julia sounds sooooooooo amazing.
And nope, at least I don't think I do.