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pchanpiggy is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 03:26 PM

@Cain: I would have to say the item I think is cutest on gaia is my fuzzy penguin slips. I loved them when I bought them and I still love them to this day.

Haven't heard of Zombieland, does it have actual zombies?

.... I can watch ANY type of horror movie and not be fazed in the least but put me in front of a zombie movie and I have nightmares. I don't understand why.
One year for gaias Halloween when they had the grombies, I was playing around the event and watching Saving private Ryan with my husband, that night I had nightmares of zombie soldiers roaming around the gambino mansion.

I can't wait for the new Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton is directing it and it's going to have Johnny Depp as the mad hatter.